so true about last night, i had a blast. specially killing that probably ugly ass looking chick that was killing Rob most of the night.


so true about last night, i had a blast. specially killing that probably ugly ass looking chick that was killing Rob most of the night.


OMG she was pwning me even though i killed her entire team!! I got her back though i not only insulted her weight behind her back i got the last kill. And i got to make fun of rape!!

haha so true Rob.

well i am just sitting here doing nothing im ready to play so come on pansys

yea i know that posting twise in a row is a no no, but i want nyspeeders to play

i’ll play tomorrow…was watchin movies tonight and now i’m ready for bed


you’re not helping your cause at all Billy…

yea well the only guy that was on was boxxa and he get a repreve. everyone else i have to question their gaminghood

So does anyone play this for PC?

360 dude!

I do, have yet to play in online though

just got another used xbox courtesy of gamestop. it scratched the shit out of cod disc and just stopped reading any games. good thing i had the prp on the system and they gave me another used one free of charge. now i just need to find free live for a few days.

bite the bullet and just get the 3 month live membership

God me, Bladez, and Itagaki just ANNIHILATED some motherfuckers :thankyou:

I friend requested you… But I think you denied me.


And my saved content somehow got erased and I have to start over again.


i feel your pain. once is enough

I didnt know it was you, you big sexy piece of white chocolate. Friend invite sent. <3 Lets SEX IT UP on xbox live


i know that you guys are gay but you need someone to light up the enemy

signing on now!