Coke Party with PJB

Coke and prescription drugs will do that to ya PJB

I should try that. I need to lose a few pounds and Id definately stop before I was see thru.

I’ll go halves on a key if you want to try it

sure, why not?

im in …

alright… im using your boy’s money to buy it

hey whatever

Who stole PJB’s identity? Is this really PJB’s bad ass side coming out? I want to see the pic posted of PJB snorting the line off the hookers ass, can someone post that up for me?

mmmmmm i loves me some blow and hookers, count me in

MS Paint skillz

Its still me.
Wouldnt be the first time although Ive never done it off anybody’s ass.

PJB loves the yayo


I’m not one to bust on PJB for any reason but that picture is HILARIOUS.

i could do better if i wasnt rushing it… incase someone else had the idea.

Version 2.0 to be released tommorow

def in

paul is the way he is, because hes done drugs. to me hes comes off as a shroom/acid user.

Actually Ive never done that stuff and have only done coke once. I used to smoke a little weed but nothing too crazy.
Im far from being burned out on anything.

Paul is meth in human form.
