Thank god!
FOX in HD its about time,
guess they finally worked out the contract with St. Clair broadcasting
now I get to watch 24 and The Simpsons in HD woohoo!
Comcast is also gonna have WPXI very soon as well
Thank god!
FOX in HD its about time,
guess they finally worked out the contract with St. Clair broadcasting
now I get to watch 24 and The Simpsons in HD woohoo!
Comcast is also gonna have WPXI very soon as well
bout time
fo real
hey bobby, if you already didnt know. HBO and some other paid channels are also in HD
cable HD < satellite HD
I’m setting up local HD (fox, ABC, etc…)…its free.
720 & 1080 DVI ownz!!
I was gonna get direct HD, but i don’t watch enough of the channels they have in HD to pay $12/month.
might switch to Voom soon, but waiting for them to get a better channel lineup.
OTA - over the air - antenna HD is free.
Right now I’m using a CM-4228 antenna and getting 2.1 KDKA, 4.1 WTAE, 6.1/6.2 WJAC, 8.1 Fox, 11.1 WPXI, 13.1/13.2/13.3/13.4 PBS, 16.1 Shop, 19.1 UPN, 24.1 Relig, and 53.1 PGH Fox. All for free!
Go to - then enter your address. The website will give you the channel lineup and azmuith position for available signal.
Another good website is - enter your zip code for local availability on sat, cable and ota
FYI- A quick HDTV Primer click here:
Any questions pm me or e-mail me at
how much are the HD Antenna’s???
Yea SHAG i know about the HBO…thanks though!
Nice…i should have mine setup but the weekend or early next week.
i live within 8-9 miles from all the broadcasts so i should be in good shape.
i was sleeping on it cause i was trying to decide on direct HD, but i relized most of the stuff i watch would be network HD…(24, ER, etc…) so why waste the $ on direct HD if i’m not gonna watch it…regular direct (on s-video) is good enough until they get more HD channels or i switch to Voom
I’ve seen HD antenna range from $30-$200
it all depends on what you need…
if you are not around high buildings or on hill close to the broadcasts they you can get away with a good indoor antenna… but if your far you might need an indoor or outdoor directonal antenna.
& don’t assume an outdoor is always better…thats what i thought but then did some research & talked to some people & a good indoor can be better then an outdoor…it just depnds on quality of product & your location.
i’m gonna try the indoor terk TV5…a few people in Pgh have it & get good results, actually one guy went from an outdoor to this one & it worked better.
also remember that a directional one works best when aimed at signal (see that side that was posted that gives degree locations for aiming antennas.
so in my opinion a good no directional > directional so you don’t have to keep adjusting it.
I have $250 in my setup.
A flat panel UHF Channelmaster 4228, a remote control programmable rotor, and a 22 dB push/pull amp.
Directional is a necessity in Youngwood. But with the programmable rotor, when I select a channel the antenna automatically positions.
Directional will also get more stations than the omni’s
thats a nice rig…programmable rotor…nice…
i can see how where your at you would need that…
i’m just east of wilkesburg, so i’m right in the area of the broadcasts, so i shouldn’t have a problem.