COMCAST on Corliss St

Who works there?? I am still training, but come up to the other building often. Seems like a cool place so far

I used to work at the one over at the point…never been to the one on corliss.

I work at the one in Robinson… I was down at the Corliss building for training in mid May… What are you training for??

Robinson, that’s the one i worked at as an IP Support Rep 1.

CAE - But I want to transfer to a different department in 6 months

I just moved out of that Dept where I was at for about 2 yrs almost… They’re hiring for 20 spots, I didn’t know they were training in Corliss now. Good Luck.

i have a question about comcast cable, we have a weak signal comming into the house, and so by the time it gets to the upstairs bedrooms some of the channles are messed up and ondemand stuff doesnt work at times. Does comcast offer a signal booster? Or do you have to buy one on your own?

it could be due to weak signal coming into the house. you should (if you haven’t already) call comcast and demand that a crew come out and monitor the signal at the tap outside on the poll or wherever to check the strength. if it is weak outside then they should hook up an amplifier (inside or outside)that will intercept the signal, give it some juice, and spit it back out to your modem.

it also could be a bad splitter in the house…again call comcast to have them come and replace them (if they haven’t already). you can do it yourself if you want but you have to get a good quality splitter that will be able to handle a large amount of data at once. i can’t remember what the specs are though

do any of your neighbors have the same issue? it could be the that the entire street may experience the same thing which then it could be the network cabiling…maybe a bird pecked a whole into the wire…who knows. or it could be their equipment that is old…my point is that it can be one of a thousand things.

you should never “need” an amplifier to boost signal

I had this same problem in my house. It ended up being a splitter that I used, that wasn’t from Comcast. Their splitters are different than the ones you buy at Radio Shack apparently, and they can make the signal weak.

Radio Shack stuff is junk.

well we just moved into the house in october, at that point we had comcast come out and run cable up to the bedrooms and all that. Had the problems i mentioned above, and they came out and tested the signal strength. Said it was weak even outside at the box (everything here is underground) The guy that was here played around with the 3 way spliter in the basement and put the cable that goes upstairs on the one output that loses the least signal. That fixed it for awhile, now the TV’s upstairs are getting crappy agian.

So just about all the cable and spliters are new from comcast. And like i said above, the signal is weak even before it gets to my house.

If you live in a FiOS area, wait for FiOS TV. No problems with weak signals at the side of the house. I measured cable TV signals at the side of the house in Maryland and found that the signal ranged from .8 dB and 3 dB. The signal level from the FiOS ONT was > than +18 dB every time.

good luck with the job, I liked working in ip support, but the money wasn’t what I wanted/needed