Come at me bro [split]

You dont have a fucking clue how, what, who, where or when I run my business. Keep my shop, my name, my work, or anything to do with me off your tongue. $ or work has nothing to do with how I roll. Dave has not done me wrong, or anything I interact with wrong, I have no reason to think otherwise. I “back” people who respect me, simple as that.

With that being said, even if you were to bring work to my shop and put $ in my pocket like you said, I would NOT “back” you, how you assumed it works in my world with your reply above. You shit talk me left and right over a keyboard, and from what I remember I have yet to even meet you. I, and others call that childish and disrespectful behavior. Again, seeing as you haven’t been formally introduced to me and my life, you only base your assumptions off of things I have done from what I post on this site?!?! I accomplish so much more than what I “brag” about on this site. Hell even people I consider close friends, that YOU know too, dont even see half of the things I/we have done.

I will see ya in the spring, and see if you are singing the same tune.