Come at me bro [split]

well we have to be able to run at the track to bet, im putting a 30r on for quick spool… If I wanted a highway car id be running a 42r… Plus AWD hurts the car if anything on the highway.

dont put all your money on beating me off the line… I think I may have one of the better 60’s 1.44… car is single turbo

there are plenty of reasons. I get 2 runs, I dont have enough seat time, cant set the car up on 2 runs…

I like this thread and where it’s headed

It will be hard to keep up with a supra unless you swap a full evo drivetrain into the eclipse and you guys race from a dig

I could really care less about racing whatever you car building… If I cared I would have been trying to race arod for years… I just dont care about the track… I have a street car.

Build your car and we will see what happens…

There are 3 awd spyders I personally know of running 10.8* or better and thats with OUT nos… I have a 75 shot brand new in the box from an older car that I never used… Again, I didnt say I would def beat him, but I said it would keep up… If I run 10.5 even anything under 11 and he runs 10.00 Id saw thats deffinately fucking keeping up. 10’s is all I wanted out of my car regaurdless, low 10’s will be a little more work but im sure its doable.




High 10’s to low 10’s is a MUCH bigger gap the you think, just throwing that out there.

I will fuck a tranny if loveforboost beats ray.

looks like I gotta take this $47k here and hand it to Mike wood or Synapse :rofl

:rofl :rofl rep if i can.

You dont have a fucking clue how, what, who, where or when I run my business. Keep my shop, my name, my work, or anything to do with me off your tongue. $ or work has nothing to do with how I roll. Dave has not done me wrong, or anything I interact with wrong, I have no reason to think otherwise. I “back” people who respect me, simple as that.

With that being said, even if you were to bring work to my shop and put $ in my pocket like you said, I would NOT “back” you, how you assumed it works in my world with your reply above. You shit talk me left and right over a keyboard, and from what I remember I have yet to even meet you. I, and others call that childish and disrespectful behavior. Again, seeing as you haven’t been formally introduced to me and my life, you only base your assumptions off of things I have done from what I post on this site?!?! I accomplish so much more than what I “brag” about on this site. Hell even people I consider close friends, that YOU know too, dont even see half of the things I/we have done.

I will see ya in the spring, and see if you are singing the same tune.

Better yet, I say give it to GermanPSI. I will let him use my shop, my tools and he can build it better than I could, infront of me, to prove me wrong.


Typical Shift…my car will be faster then yours next summer…we wait…nothing happens LOL sorry had to throw that out there because I hear all the same shit every winter and then nothing but excuses every spring! Somebody prove me wrong this year PLEAAASE!!!

It’s simple , both of you guys build what ya can and we set a run up . I’ll hold money seeing as I’m fat and my car is slow . Everyone trusts me etc let’s do this

Only reason I didnt pursue my s2k was because I got an awesome deal on my house which I needed to buy it outright… I could have done it and kept the car but I rather have the security of the $14k or w.e i got for the car.

My car WILL be built and im NOT saying it will beat rays supra but I am saying it will be in the 10’s when im done with it… I’ve only had my eclipse for like 6 months and have already done what most do in 3-4 years to there car… Im scared to look at my reciept book at this point.

Perfect reason why I never talk about mine.

no doubt. but atleast its much different for me and my benchracing this time. My 90+ hour work weeks prove it too.

I WILL see you all come spring time.

Who me and German? If so, I will meet yall @ 1746 State Route 20. :number1