Come at me bro [split]

I have about $300 in the bank, $500 in my pocket. Come at me bro.

Are you willing to BET on that?!?!?!? I has cash too ya know.


  1. no buying a built car (you can have someone put one together)

  2. YOU have to drive it (HE has to drive his)

  3. This is a fucking contract.

I have $3000 cash i’m doing nothing with that I’m willing to bet on this.

heard that before…better be awd/rwd

and dude I dont need to race you to prove I have a smaller dick… I’ll just say it now!!

confirming the supra made around 600 when he got it. (purchased from another buddy of mine)

it was one of the fastest imports in the area at that time. Ray has kept it in that group :number1

I’ll put 1k on it

ill put 4$ on it

I’ll sit my fatass in rays passenger seat to slow him down :excited

lots of supra love… thanks guys…

And to be 100% honest, I dont think there is much that will touch my car on the highway… maybe a gtr or a bike… Just to let you know, I have yet to run my car on the street at full power…

AMS GTR, or SlowGto’s Bike are about the only two things that are going to touch that car on the highway.

From fights to hate to $$$ to street racing all in 2 pages. Only on shift518

good shit… get a car…NOW

#1 im talking about at the track… My car is being built for the track DEF not the highway.

#2 who LEGITIMATELY wants to bet on this and when this takes place is willing to put the cash in the hands of someone trust worthy?

#3 I only saw one video of rays supra and it ran like mid 10??? If it faster then that?? I thought the s2000’s beat the supra?

#4 my car will be awd and only around 500-630whp.

Nope deff not faster. Sign me up

Ray can’t run that many times at the track as he gets booted for having no cage.

I’m in. Are we doing $1000 buy in so that everyone can play?

I’m legit in for this. :smiley:

come on… give me a little credit… 10.0 and yes the s2k did run a better time…9.9x

and the track is really pointless for me… I get 2 runs and then kicked out…

Yeah, everyone puts in just $1k… Money goes into the hands of someone NOT betting and trust worthy… someone that everyone knows…

best out of 3 runs

and because I said close OR beat him we have to work something out if I loose by a hair?

I give you a TON of credit, I just dont get how 1k whp cars only do 10s though…

And the only reason I think ill be close is because I SHOULD get you off the line being AWD as well as my turbo being alot smaller and spooling way quicker… Then again you said your tt right? so your turbos probably arent huge either? well see.

everyone can bet all they want…I wont get 3 runs and If I go the the track more then a couple of times a year they remember my car… so they bust my balls before I even make 1 run.