Come at me bro [split]

what was done to it? do you have pics?

right after i moved to albany… it wasnt at lebanan valley, was at englishtown.

3-4 years ago?

no, when i moved to albany i didnt bring so much as a backpack full of clothes with me.

What was done to the car and when did you sell it? Post up the time slip

did you not read correctly dumb fuck?? I dont have any of my important possesions from 3-4 years ago, why the fuck would I have a time slip??? I’ve proven myself a billion times on this site, I dont have to prove anything else. Bank on my word, how bout that?

You can’t REMEMEBR what was done to the car? What yr it was? What was your time? Your mph?

I remember exactly what was done to the car lol… i said i didnt have a time slip. Was a 93 gsx. built bottom end, stock top end, tiny turbo, suck my dick

What’s a tiny turbo? What turbo was it? What was the time you ran and at what mph was it? Who built the bottom end?

how about you get off his nuts?

Or just answer me this, why do you keep poking him? What do you have to prove?

evo 3 16g, 10.9 @ 120 something, idr… Your mom built the bottom end.

Ok now please provide 2 forms of ID, a notarized letter from a witness, an Intelicheck full report on said witness. We need to start a conference bridge between Vlad on behalf of Shift 518, Singh so he can record the audio, you, the engine builder, the witness, a track official from Englishtown and then we can stream it online for GermanPSI to hear and believe.

Or the disbelievers can go fuck themselves and stop worrying about things that dont concern them.

Because he’s lying and I do not believe him. 10s on 16g huh? Very very impressive because your one of the few people in the WORLD to do this without nitrous. The rest of DSM guys struggle to get in the 10s with a 16g, head work, cams, race gas and 4 slicks but you did it all without that. Musta cut a 1.3 60" right?


kids a looser, just enjoy calling his bluff…

actually there are dozens and dozens of people running 10’s on 16gs… its a bit harder on a second gen… but I didnt have a second gen :slight_smile:

ps, if I was lying I would have at least told you my head was built with 272 cams, an equal length manifold, nitrous, and a 35r… At that time in my life friends and I were trying to accomplish 10s on an evo 3 16g and nothing bigger. 3 of us did…

It’s crazy man you all 3 tried and tried to run 10s and all 3 of you did but yet there is not one video, one picture of any of the cars and after accomplishing your goal you didn’t even save the timeslip.

When didnt you believe him?

What was the reason for giving a shit really? Post up your reason

You cant REMEMBER what caused you to get on his nuts? What post was it? What was your reason then?

Whats a good reason you troll him so much? What was the thing that bothered you the most growing up and at what date was it? Who caused this?

Now I know what its like to be a GermanPSI on shift 518. :rofl

forgive me yours almightyy, didnt know I was required to.

Back then I liked cars for the RIGHT reason… I didnt belong to forums or care about beating other people or posting time slips… me and my friends and only my friends made and accomplished goals.

3-5 years ago quality video recording devices were expensive and you tube wasnt invented yet.

Do you have a box under your bed next to the spank bank of all your time slips, JUUUUST incase you needed to prove something to some chode online calling you out?

Hahahaha this is great. Ok so when did you move to Albany again 4-5yrs ago? Right now there are 7-10 proven 16g DSMs without nitrous and that’s today not 5 years ago. So your tell me how every many years ago it was you and your friends were 3 of those cars that went 10s. Simply amazing

How many AWD spyders are there in the world?? According to internet theres only 3-4… But I know of 3 in upstate ny ALONE that dont even belong to car forums!!

Just because something on the internet is reccorded doesnt mean there the only ones in the world… lol, there the only ones that give a fuck about bragging rights is all.

wrong again fuckface.

You think everyone in the guniess book of world records is the only person who can accomplish what there in the book for??? Think again motherfucker, the people in that book are the only ones who took the time to get noticed for there accomplishments

See thats the wonders of the internet. Do you have any idea how much goes un-noticed in the automotive community? Not everyone needs to post and brag about every little accomplishment and sit on the top of some W.O.T list to have self confidence in what they do. From meeting more people now that I have a shop than ever befor, I know of some NASTY (read 1200+ hp twin smallblock 69 camaro, twin turbo viper, $300K+ 69 camaro national show car…) cars that are within 15 miles from my shop. You might never see them. Does that mean they dont exist? get the fuck out of here.

Thats the thing man, you play the game of it didnt, wont, and cant be done/happen… but are you a man when your proven wrong and admit so? NOPE you move on to the next playground battle.