Communications Majors?

any one on here major in communications. I am at ecc for that now. I want to transfer to either buff state or ub. Just curious to see if any one else has been down this road i had some ?s. If anyone is it would be nice to know so i could pm you with some ?s i am currently wondering about.

not in the same major, but i was at ecc and now transfered to buff state

business admin major

im in comm, but i go to maryland. but i used to go to buff state and i hated it. they have a lot of retarded ways of doinf things.

I am a Communication Major at UB. the program is very outstanding. i started out as a Comm major, and changed to Law, but i changed back because the law program there is lacking in a few areas. the comm department is very good with advising students and they are more concerned about doing whatever it takes to see you succeed than anything else.

What exactly is communications anyway?

No offense to the com majors, and maybe I’m wrong because I was only in it for a little while, but I had switched to that for a semester in undergrad between engineering and businesss, and I found myself wondering “This cant be a real major…”

I mean I’m sure if you’re motivated and take the right classes etc you can get a good job with it, but for the most part its not really about anything, and has very lax requirements. I think a lot of people take it for that reason.

I took COM101 for like a week and half, dropped it because a real class finally opened up.

I swear for two full class days he went over and over the difference between communication and communications. Literally two days were devoted to this. The professor was all “in communiCHuNz’ blah, blah, blah”. The whole week and a half was all about the justification of the job feild and why it was important.

my g/f is a communication major so i will add some insight

its bullshit, she originally wanted to do some journalism stuff, shooting to be a news anchor or sumn. Then she interned for ch. 7 2 summers ago and decided that wasnt for her.

She is a very creative type person and she works her ass off so that she will succeed in life. She is now interning at an advertising agency and loves it.

The good thing about communication is that it is a Bullshit major so you can do whatever u want with it. Problem is that none of those will pay good at all.

If ur a com major, best make sure u get urself some good grades, and by that i mean hold at least a 3.2-3.3, and GET FUCKING INTERNSHIPS. internships will be the only thing getting u interviews when u put in ur resume. and i hope that by the time u graduate that you will have some good communication skill and be able to rock an interview.


  • easy
  • lots of field choices


  • u will not learn anything of value
  • u will not make any real money
  • without internships, no employer will take u seriously

my com major got me my job… so :shrug:

What exactly does one do with a communication major?

radio/news/tv/advertising/public relations

theres many different areas where u can apply communication


all my professors use com majors as the example of lazy bastards. Take a real mans major. Like baby seal clubbing. Or lumberjackery…

Well, I guess any degree is better than not going to college at all.

Apprenticeships or trade schools are better for skilled trades like those.

i want to get in to video editing or production with it. i think im doing an internship at ch 2 because my mom is the news room manger there so chances of getting hired go up a little bit

experience is really the only thing thats gonna get u a job in that field

I took enough com classes while I was in school that I could have had a minor, had Buff State offered a communications minor at the time. I credit those classes with a lot of my success because they taught me a lot about public speaking, group dynamics, elected vs emerging leaders and debate. When I walk into an interview I know that getting the job offer is 1/2 knowing your field, and 1/2 being able to communicate that you know your field and show you’ll be able to work well with the other employees. Because of what I learned in those classes I come across confident, but not cocky, have the right amount of eye contact, never act nervous and express my ideas and answers clearly.

well, if u want to do video editing, u want to be a Media Studies major, not comm major. theres actually money to be had in the fields you can go into with a comm degree, it just depends on how serriously you take your education. if you are like 90% of the lazy fucks that get a comm degree, then you will never get anywhere. if you work your ass off, get a masters degree and do some good internships, you can go places and make money. you can do combined majors too, like im doing Communication and Informatics, or you can do Communications and Marketing, etc. if you really put the time and effort into it, that marjor can get you places, just like anything else.

Communications as a degree itself is pretty worthless, all it says is “I graduated college”

Now, your flexibility however is there. You can get a job in any field, albeit a lesser paying one (most likely). Com is a great supplimental degree to another degree.

While going over similarly inane topics, my com 101 professor would right down what she was saying on the overhead. Catch was she couldn’t spell anything, so you would see her pause halfway through a ‘tricky’ word (Extraneous? E x t r e?..) and then just give up and abbreviate it wherever she started to get a headache. Fucking ridiculous.