Whats your Major?

I know there are a lot of bizznatch majors on here, and arc. What does everyone else major in?

I’m an economics major, and am done in may 06 :eekdance:

gen ed.

comp science is for sukkas

I used to major in marketing.

major in survival. havent been in skool in years.

ME BA 2003

CD BFA 1999 :headbang:

My major in the school of Life :

Being sucessful

im a sucka, and a history major

mechanical engineering

I’d rather be happy than sucessful :wink:


majoring in psychology with minors in elementary ed and counseling…

mastering in social work…

also a post by me, that showed up as jltalon because like already stated in another thread, he never ever manages to sign off the computers at school…

Master Baiter

…someone had to do it.

Not sure. Something with the medical frield, but I haven’t pin pointed it down yet.


Thanks for building up my post count…accounting major who will most likely go for mba or AIS (Accounting Information Systems)


I hope you have good grades. :slight_smile:

B.S. in electrical engineering, may '05.

Telecommunications … done after this year :slight_smile: then it’s off to a 4 year college for another major … not exactly sure yet what it will be, but def something with computers.