need some opinions on college

okay well this is what i want to do. i want to go to a community college for auto. Either ECC or MCC. now here is my question, has anyone attended either of these schools and do they have any comments on them? i want to go for auto then transfer to a university for engineering or something to do with computers. thanks!


skip community college for auto, its a dumb idea and a waste of time/money. get into a good engineering/comp sci programming and start there.

well i want to go for auto because i want to open my own shop someday, but i want to go for computers or something else to fall back on incase it doesnt happen or work out. my plan was go for auto, finish up with computers or something, then open a shop while im working after college.

“engineering” and “something to do with computers” are very very vague…take some time to sit down and think about what you REALLY want to do specifically…

and my personal opinion is stick with computer engineering or whatever it is you decide on…and keep the auto option of a shop of your own as a back up plan/future dream…

get a job, put away some money, then talk about starting your own business…at least that’s how i would approach it…


well i want to go for auto because i want to open my own shop someday, but i want to go for computers or something else to fall back on incase it doesnt happen or work out. my plan was go for auto, finish up with computers or something, then open a shop while im working after college.


congrats you have just made about 6 years of classes, at least, if you want to do Auto and than go to engineering,

everyone is right so far…

skip auto. Go straight to engineering. And if you really want to open your own shop one day, double major in business at university instead of taking classes at a CC.

I made the mistake of going to ECC for a year before going to UB, and holy shit was it ever a waste of time…

you can save serious cash taking some entry level eng. classes at community schools and then transferring. as long as whatever school you are looking at accepts the credits you are good to go.

wish i would have considered this :frowning:


you can save serious cash taking some entry level eng. classes at community schools and then transferring. as long as whatever school you are looking at accepts the credits you are good to go.

wish i would have considered this :frowning:


to save you some time, ENGINEERING CLASSES FROM ECC DO NOT TRANSFER TO UB AT ALL. Thats how I wasted a year of my life. The people at ECC told me that they would, no problem. But then when I got to UB, not one fucking credit transferred.

you don’t want to open your own shop.
you don’t want to open your own shop.
you don’t want to open your own shop.
you don’t want to open your own shop.
you don’t want to open your own shop.
you don’t want to open your own shop.
you don’t want to open your own shop.
you don’t want to open your own shop.
you don’t want to open your own shop.
you don’t want to open your own shop.
you don’t want to open your own shop.
you don’t want to open your own shop.
you don’t want to open your own shop.
you don’t want to open your own shop.
you don’t want to open your own shop.
you don’t want to open your own shop.
you don’t want to open your own shop.
you don’t want to open your own shop.
you don’t want to open your own shop.
you don’t want to open your own shop.
you don’t want to open your own shop.
you don’t want to open your own shop.
you don’t want to open your own shop.
you don’t want to open your own shop.
you don’t want to open your own shop.
you don’t want to open your own shop.


Don’t open a shop…

college is stupid… all the fools go to college…

please explain this mess, you want to go for auto stuff then go for engineering or computers…


if you are unsure about computers… imagine yourself, sitting infront of a computer for 6 hours a day, and 2 hour long meetings. then going home and doing more work, pretty much dedicating your life to the job…

Engineering, you really need to want to be engineering, the school is not hard at all… JUST BORING AS FUCK

engineering really isn’t that boring.

college is a waist of money! stay and live with your parents for life and become a bum!!!


college is a waist of money!


nice, looks like you didn’t make it far


nice, looks like you didn’t make it far


fuck you beat me to it

edit: …by 6 minutes

edit2: there is a lot of shit advice in this thread…

fuck u both beet me too it


Engineering, you really need to want to be engineering, the school is not hard at all… JUST BORING AS FUCK


i’m not going to say that engineering is the hardest major out there, but you sure as fuck can’t slack off in engineering and expect to cruise on through. It takes alot of effort to really understand the material.


college is a waist of money! stay and live with your parents for life and become a bum!!!


hey i’m in college and my waist has no such money, actually my waist has only gotten fatter…


college is a waist of money! stay and live with your parents for life and become a bum!!!


I’m working on that one, minus some stress its working out alright, lol


to save you some time, ENGINEERING CLASSES FROM ECC DO NOT TRANSFER TO UB AT ALL. Thats how I wasted a year of my life. The people at ECC told me that they would, no problem. But then when I got to UB, not one fucking credit transferred.


Ummm wrong. I believe your thinking of engineering technology at ecc. ECC has a 2 year program called Engineering Science. It covers all the same stuff you learn in your first 2 years at a 4 year school for engineering. It pretty much transfers anywhere.

I did a joint admissions program with ecc and ub. Two years at ECC and 2 at UB. Saved some money and i will end up with a bachelors in mechanical engineering this december.