need some opinions on college

If you want to open a business, major in business.

Learn the mechanic shit on your own, and learn the theory in books/engineering classes

Top 10 Starting Salaries by College Major

Chemical Engineering - $59,36
Chemical engineering grads have the option of working in either the government or private sector in the areas of research and development, design or product development.

Computer Engineering - $56,201
Computer engineers may choose from a variety of career paths from creating new products and services as design engineers to improving existing products as development engineers.

Electrical Engineering - $55,292
Because nearly every industry works with electricity or electrical devices, electrical engineers can work in nearly every type of business, doing everything from designing and building medical equipment to working for the military or department of defense.

Mechanical Engineering - $54,128
Mechanical engineers may work on electric generators, internal combustion engines and other power-generating machines for businesses like equipment manufacturers, aerospace companies, material processing plants, transportation companies or petroleum companies.

Computer Science - $53,396
Computer science majors may go on to work in artificial intelligence, computer design and engineering, architecture, information technology or software applications, doing everything from developing computers that simulate human learning to designing computer software.

Civil Engineering - $48,483
Civil engineering majors go on to work all over the country, and some may spend their entire careers traveling and working on different projects. They may work for traditional engineering firms as well as telecommunication businesses, consulting firms, or even toy and athletic equipment manufacturers.

Economics - $48,483
Economics majors can do everything from private consulting for businesses to working for one of many government agencies.

Management of Information Systems - $47,648
Information systems managers work for organizations to ensure the availability, continuity and security of data and information technology services within an organization; yet, they may also work as business analysts.

Finance - $47,239
Career options for finance majors range from investment banking, helping investors trade securities or manage financial assets, to money management to financial planning for anyone from big businesses to smaller firms.

Accounting - $46,718
Accounting majors often go into auditing and tax services, rising to become controllers, treasurers, financial vice presidents, chief financial officers or even corporation presidents.

Engineers FTW.


Engineers FTW.


holy shit that ME starting salary is low compared to what most people I know are actually making, on average about $10K lower

newman, why so set on not opening a shop, maby you dont you ever get sick of working for pricks with too much money for there own good. I certenly am.


If you want to open a business, major in business.

Learn the mechanic shit on your own, and learn the theory in books/engineering classes




Ummm wrong. I believe your thinking of engineering technology at ecc. ECC has a 2 year program called Engineering Science. It covers all the same stuff you learn in your first 2 years at a 4 year school for engineering. It pretty much transfers anywhere.

I did a joint admissions program with ecc and ub. Two years at ECC and 2 at UB. Saved some money and i will end up with a bachelors in mechanical engineering this december.


wow i def got screwed then. Apparently my advisor at ECC didn’t know anything about what to tell me because I made it known to them that it was my intention to transfer to UB for ME.