Whats your Major?


i was an accounting major, and even vice president of UBAA haha :tdown: and had 2 internship offers at once, good thing i took the wise road and quit. man i wanted to bang prof. anderson though, her body and personality was reason enough to stay in jacobs

i already have a job, i just want to graduate with anything as soon as possible so i can stop going to ellicott and get caught staring at the infinite amount of pussy. ok wait i dont want to stop that…


BS: EE and working on ME and AERO SPACE… when i am done < never > i will be able to sweep the floors with the best of them

:funny: hahaha

She drives a Vette too.

:lol: UB is great…and i have muriel anderson as well! shes…alright i guess…maybe when u went to school 10 years ago she was tastier

93dx–hatch…are u the blonde dude in my money/banking class i was tlaking to???


Crim Justice

dude muriel anderson is the best prof ever. not the hottest, but awesome! dr. tinnesz who teaches some class that teaches you how to study :lol: is the hottest prof on campus. a tall, leggy dirty blond who always wears see through skirts is all i can say :wink:

History/legal studies

pics of hot proffessorzzz immediately

management/marketing… one more class for 2 majors

business administration

biochemistry. then pharmacy along with a doctorate in it

Journalism, graduating May 2006

yeah thats me:wave:

F’in hilarious, I had her for a class. Didn’t she teach MGQ300???

. … … to answer the question, marketing major. graduated 04 from UB

I’m both. :smiley:

sucess and happiness go hand n hand

communication arts - then broadcasting or marketing after i havent decided :frowning:

Psychology major with a communications minor due to graduate in May '06

geography/urban planning

edit: sure as hell better be may 06 :stuck_out_tongue: