I'm graduating....

Got 1 more final to take and to turn in my report for my senior project and i’m basically done with college

I’m majoring in mechanical engineering and attended PITT main. I will miss it but at the same time i’m excited to leave the game!

just wanted to let yall know so you guys can send me graduation gifts to fund project Irocz :itr41: :hsdance:


Nobody cares.

But Congrats…lol


congrats, i hope to be transfering to pitt in less then a year for the same major.

have fun :wink:

Hey, congrats! big accomplishment

congrats…I respect all graduates a lot more after attending school. Hope all goes well post-graduation!

lol, should i be worried? Im sure its a big change compared to CCAC.


now get a job

its alot of work but just work hard you’ll be fine. gain some friends and help each other out thru the program…everyone will survive. lol

and find/get access to solution manuals…best advice i can give

hell yah, i cant wait to be a grad. Congrats, + good luck in your future

Congrats. Any job prospects? Grad school? I had enough by my senior year and just wanted to work, and now I doubt I’ll ever go back to grad school, just too much going on once you’re married, kids, house.

You will miss college. If you are considering grad school I’d suggest you get a job first…They will usually pay for it. I agree its harder to go back but if you do it right away its free school + you can start building experience and some bank for house/savings/life down the road.



thanks everyone. i dont have any plans for grad school atleast not at this moment.

i’m kinda excited to work to start making some money and all but then again, i kinda want some time off. i have no job lined up yet but i dont mind, i would like to take it easy for abit first.

congrats :slight_smile:

Congratulations! :beer:

My company needs mechanical engineers.