apparently.... I graduated in December

and didn’t know it because Buffalo State is goofy.

they told me last semester that wasn’t going to graduate like I thought I was going to and I needed to take 2 more classes. Last week, that turned into 1 class… and today, I got my diploma in the mail… so it looked like I didn’t need any.

I called to check if it was a mistake, and it wasn’t.
no more classes needed. it’s a lovely transcript too… all A’s and B’s.

It’s such a good feeling to know I’m finished finally!

so that’s done. I have a BA in Journalism.
on to better things. as in… more school.

:c )

Yeah!!! More school!!!

Lol, congrats. I got a copy of my transcript for the Army and I wanted to cry when I looked at how poor my grades were.

Congrats Jan, why am i not surprised that Buff State would screw up like that. :hang:

Congrats on getting halfway there. :slight_smile:

congrats, so u werent taking the classes that u need to graduate

this place is becoming backwards.

^^ yeah Buff State stinks lol

I’m currently enrolled in an upper level com course that I was told I needed.
but I don’t. I had enough credits last semester and my advisor is a tool.

Time for Dr. HotBodyJill!

Congrats on the diploma…only another year before your next one…

My wuttle Janny is growing up so quickly :frowning:


congrats on the diploma, I will be finishing my 7.5 year stay in September, can’t wait!!!

werd. hot bodies help me remember things sooo much more easily.
especially when they break up their abdominopelvic area into nine regions.


that makes me feel better about the amount of time i will spend in college

I can’t believe I’ve been out for over a year already. Haha I still have my letter of dismissal from UB’s honor’s program… Framed and hanging in my 500 ft^2 office/lab where I have 2 guys working for me building my designs. :pimp: Fucking Dr Capuana suggested I rethink whether or not I was right for engineering when I met with her the first time my grades slipped below a 3.0. :lol:

Oops, sorry, didn’t mean to thread jack. Congratulations on finishing up your bachelor’s. What’s your next degree going to be in?

congrats :tup:

… no worries. :smiley:
my next degree will be from the new york institute of massage… if all goes well.


nice…congrats! :tup: :slight_smile:

Congrats :slight_smile: