NySpeed, talk to me about college.

The situation in hand is that one individual has an Assoc. degree and they’d like to further their education with a BS.

There is no hurry to obtain said BS.

However, what is the likelihood that after obtaining Associates, that enough credits would transfer for a bachelors?

Last but not least, if time was an issue…how feasible is it for one to obtain a BS while virtually attending all classes online?


If you’re 3 classes away from an associates, is it even worth it to finish all three classes and obtain the degree with the intention of following up with a bachelors at a different school?

You will probably have to call the school to see what classes will transfer

Forget the transfer part.

If I finish an Assoc. and years later apply somewhere for a BS… will I start in the bachelors program or will i have to re-take some of the classes i’ve had a degree for, for years?

Depends on the school, the field of study, etc etc etc. My thought would be to not worry about the associates and focus your efforts on the bachelors.

Herein lies my question.

If I scrap what I already have (68 credit hours) and just enroll for a Bachelors at Buff State or UB or wherever…

Will I have to start fresh like I’m out of high school? Secondly, how the fuck am I supposed to get in? Do I have to take the SAT’s again?!? A written submission? Letters of recommendation?

depends on school like said by fry. All my credits transfered from ECC to Hilbert without a problem. If I was you I would finish ur Assoc. up and then figure out which school you want to transfer too. Most of the schools in this area will accept your credits. Are you going to stay in the Criminal Justice program ( thats what u were going for right?)

Last year i went from my AS to a BS program and not all of my credits transferred but IIRC it was 9 credits that did not. No biggie. Yes you can complete a Bachelors online but make sure you are getting it from a good school. Some SUNY schools have 100% distance learning degree plans. personally I would finish the Associates if you only need three classes. Also like mentioned transfer credits will be determined by what degree plan you go with and what classes you have taken. Good luck!

EDIT-My credits that did not transfer were simply not usable in my new degree plan.

spend 3 minutes on the phone with the school of the moment and you’ll have ACTUAL answers to all of these questions. OR, spend a day on nyspeed :cjerk: answers because the answers are HIGHLY dependant upon the school, the former classes, the former school, etc. Ask me how I know.

The correct answer is to call the schools since they would be the ones with the right answers to your questions

edit: beaten to it but it’s really the only way to get the right info


Thanks. This is all the info and reassurance I needed to make the call.

I’m taking baby steps…especially because I’m going to balancing 53 hours a week at work around school.

+1. My wife had an associates from Broome Community and most of her stuff transferred when she came to Buff State for her bachelors, but not all of it. Talk to admissions for 95% correct answers (95 is the best you’re ever going to do at any of the state schools).

My best advice if you’re going to a state school… Get everything you can in writing and always keep copies because the students they hire to staff most of the on campus offices only got the job because they were far too dumb to get a job off campus. Everyone I knew at Buff State had a story of some form that had to be filed by such and such date being “lost” and the only help they got from the various offices was, “well, these things happen”.

I would try the transfer in your situation. You will probably loose some of your credits, but overall it should be the quickest way to a BS degree.

Call the schools is really only way to get answers.

I’d rather get my associates first and finish the 3 classes in the winter when business slows down.

That way, for whatever reason, I never finish my BS…I’ll atleast have the Assoc. (not that it really means anything but I’m 99% done and its better than nothing)

i got buttfucked just transferring from Canisius to UB after 3 semesters. food for thought. every school is different, and every program is different. some people get lucky, some people don’t, but your questioning is way too vague

Nope, you will take all of your credits with you. So you will start with 68 credits. Some of those classes will probably satisfy some requirements too. Like all freshman at UB have to take a couple of history classes. If you took history at ECC then you probably won’t have to take the history classes at UB. Get it?

Each school has their own application process. You can probably find it online.


take this very seriously.
I tried taking a FULL course load iirc 16 credits online one semester. (4 classes)
You have to be fully ready to dedicate atleast 2 hours a day to school work.
If you are a procrastinator DO NOT take online classes.
I went on VACA and forgot my computer, didn’t think anything of it, and when I got home I missed 3 mid terms. Now it’s my fault but like I said, if you are working 50+ hours I would strongly advise against taking any more than 1 online class at a time, or just pay someone to take it. Most courses, the teacher strongly advises you to spend atleast 1 hour per day per course.
If you’re the type who can sit behind a computer and acutally learn…then do it…but if you need to actually BE in class to put forth effort… i’d rethingk your online class choice.

just my 2 cents.

i went to nccc for cad, got my associates, and transfered to buff state for mech. engineering. i maxed out the limit on transfered credits and started out as a junior at buff state. main reason i opted for buff state instead of ub, ub would have only accepted about 20. however, im only going part time now (2 classes per semester) since im working fulltime so itll be about 4-5 years to do 2 years worth of classes. your best bet is to check a few schools and see which one will accept the most credits, and also some schools will accept “employment experience” type credits, my dad had 2 associates and some of the employment expereience credits and got his bachelors from empire state online in about a year.

I transferred from NCCC to UB.

The benefit of obtaining an associates first and not simply transferring the credit was that I got out of world civ 1 and 2. I could use other humanities credits from NCCC to fulfill those requirements at UB. I believe this was true of other general education requirements.


UB accepted all but 3 of my courses from NCCC because they didn’t have equivalent courses.