NySpeed, talk to me about college.

Ask yourself this question: Will your earning potential increase enough to justify the expense of obtaining the degree? Take into account the money you shell you for tuition in addition to the opportunity cost of lost wages/ time spent in school.

There are too many people in higher education the have no business being there, pursuing degrees that will end up being useless in their professional development. The education business model has been corrupted by 2 and 4 year schools selling crap degrees to anyone and everyone. (most) Online degrees are a glaring example of how to waste money on “education”.

Why would a multi millionare living at home bother with a degree???
dont you like own a dealership?


LOL Paulyyyyyyyyyyy




I’m sorry, i’m in a rather sarcastic mood after dealing with idiots all day today.

This would be for personal satisfaction.

Truth is even if I get a bachelor’s tomorrow, I’m going to continue to do what I do.

Beck if you find any useful information about taking purely online classes post up…I think I am going that route.

You’re not bothering me.

FYI It’s not a matter of what I do now, but rather what I don’t want to do when I’m your age.

Hang out on the internet and knock 22 year olds about how much they make whilst probably making less myself and being subject to “having to deal with idiots all day”.


I had the benefit of relaxing today. I did find however that the University of Phoenix is a junk school and not as good as it sounds.

Can we enroll together and be accountabilibuddies?

Beck, I’m really glad you made this.
I, also am considering re-enrolling in classes this coming Sept.
I dont have close to the hours youre working with, but needed a little know-how in what to do about getting myself going again…

lets get classes together:mamoru:

having a sippin’ in the garage classroom get together would motivate me to go to school.

where were you thinking?

Figure out what you want to do with your life first. If you’re happy doing something that doesn’t require an education, then don’t waste your time and money. If you have aspirations to do something that requires certain education/training/certifications then there you go.

What about personal satisfaction though?

What about in 20 years when I want to do something different?


F that shit! I have no real clue what i want to do yet either but I know I like to learn. If you are claiming yourself and don’t make too much school is just about free. I am not going to quit anytime soon. SCHOOL IS COOL!

:tif: I can make lots of money doing what I do currently with no degree.

I just want to have a degree behind it if I feel like jumping into a CIO position or something lame later on…

If you want to go to school just for the sake of going to school then go for it. Knowledge is powah.

I find it very difficult to get good grades while working 40+ hours per week.

It may be my schedule though. I work till 1am every day and it makes the following morning very easy to skip.

If you truly are making 75k a year, why not stay at the same place and invest like hell throughout your 20’s and halfway through your 30’s. By then you may be able to live off your investments and might be able to retire super early. Then you can spend your time day trading/earning a degree.

looking into Accounting BS programs.
Obviously UB has a great program but I dont think Im ready for that being out of school for 6+ years…

Truth. It’s a nightmare.

Beck, I work 45 hours a week and took 5 classes in the fall, wrapping up 6 for this spring. I took 2 online classes each of the past two semesters, and from personal experience they were 2x more difficult. However, they were 300 level courses and nothing you will see right away, but it takes a different type of motivation to do well in them.

Either way, take your time and don’t overwhelm yourself the first semester back with too many classes. It’s not impossible to work full time and go to school full time, I’ve been doing it for the past two years… You will need to make sacrifices though in order to perform well in both, and that is the tough part over time…

Either way, it’s a great idea and I wish ya the best <3