NySpeed, talk to me about college.

getting certified to be a cpa in accounting is now a 5 year deal, ny state mandates 150 credit hours to take the exam


YAY! boaterfry…

ps. go to an accredited college, I’ve found that name recognition of bigger/known universities, go a long way in certain circles.

I still think that getting a degree online is kind of BS

If you get it from a well-known school, nobody will know the difference, but being able to take a test in front of your computer on the couch is just BS.

If you find yourself working with a bunch of guys with degrees from big schools, you may be tormented as I am about my Buffalo State Jr College degrees. lol

Not to mention you can just have someone else take the damn test for you.

exactly why I see no credibility in it.

I agree that in some circumstances, it is ok, but 90% of the time it is just a cop-out.

Off topic: Today is my wife’s first day supervising an intern this summer. Her intern is working towards her masters 100% on line. Field of 100% online study: SPEECH Pathology. :bloated:

^agreed. However, i know somebody who is on here who is doing the phoenix online classes… and when he was serious about it, he was devoting a decent amount of time to it… (nowhere near what he’d be devoting should he had stayed at UB… but he didnt really go to classes there either <3)

“If im not goin to be the highest score in this test… i might as well be the first person done with it”

-Anonymous Nyspeeder… :lol:

Motion to add new lines to becks custom title…

Waiting to sign up for my masters after I get married. :slight_smile:

School is real baller 4 real yo.

Then hell, I’ll give you a degree and only charge you half price.

Ive been doing it for 3 years now. You can swing that shit at ECC with the right amount of effort but not at UB.

UB’s Accounting program is pretty rigorous. If you understand general accounting material, its not toooooo hard, but either way, its a SHITTON of work.

The new NYS 150 credit hour (5 years) rule is not going to make this any more of an appealing major, just keep that in mind.

Great words

Plus… why would you go to school just to better yourself when you have a omniscient responsive database of infinite knowledge at your fingertips at all times? NYSPEED!!!

I do understand general accounting. Although I havent been around it since about 02 when I was last enrolled in classes. I think I may start out at ECC and work my way back into the grind of things.

As far as the 5 year deal is concerned, Im 25 and work. I havent yet decided whether im going to go back balls to the wall. So Im sure it will be longer than 5 years anyways:spank:

I appreciate the bits and pieces of advice Ive gotten from this thread.
And I would like to thank the King of W Nukka for some helpful words earlier today

i accidently my post


I didn’t take the time to read all of this but I’m going through the same process. Got Laid-off recently. I have an associates in applied science and having trouble finding a job now. Time to further my education. Only school I found that will transfer some of my credits was Niagara University in the program that I want. They’re actually giving me additional credits for serving in the military too. Not a bad deal. I haven’t worked out the specifics yet but looks like I’ll be in school for 2- 2 1/2 years for a BS. I’m 27 so the less time in school the better.

Depends on alot of things to transfer credits. Niagara University was the only college locally that was willing to work with me. Good luck

Really? What 2 year college did you go to?

I did a similar thing myself, racked up 6X credits at ECC and a college in Pittsburgh, and when I came back looking at 4 year colleges, almost all of them would transfer 95% of my credits even though they were different concentrations. However, you are in a completely different program than myself, so I don’t know what applies to your degree.

LOL last semester I did this … I was done with every homework assignment the first week… and just took the online tests when they were…