Communications Majors?

my g/f is a communication major so i will add some insight

its bullshit, she originally wanted to do some journalism stuff, shooting to be a news anchor or sumn. Then she interned for ch. 7 2 summers ago and decided that wasnt for her.

She is a very creative type person and she works her ass off so that she will succeed in life. She is now interning at an advertising agency and loves it.

The good thing about communication is that it is a Bullshit major so you can do whatever u want with it. Problem is that none of those will pay good at all.

If ur a com major, best make sure u get urself some good grades, and by that i mean hold at least a 3.2-3.3, and GET FUCKING INTERNSHIPS. internships will be the only thing getting u interviews when u put in ur resume. and i hope that by the time u graduate that you will have some good communication skill and be able to rock an interview.


  • easy
  • lots of field choices


  • u will not learn anything of value
  • u will not make any real money
  • without internships, no employer will take u seriously