Best Honda/Acura
Best J Body
Best Neon
Best Pre 84’
Best Post 84’
Best Asian
Best DSM
Best Euro
Best Compact Truck
Best Full Size Truck
Best Body Mods
Best Engine
Best Interior
Best Paint
Best Graphics
Best Neon Lights
Best ICE (In Car Electronics)
Best Team Display
Best Of Show - $1000.00
Please note that if pre-registration shows that extra classes will be needed, than they will be added.
Pre-registration is $25.00 per car before June 1st. Can be done by mail or registration will be done at various other show leading up to Compact Dreams. Registration at the gate or post marked after June 1st will be $30 per car.
Registration includes 2 weekend passes, gift packs and free entry to the after show party/dance Saturday night.
please remember that in any category there is a top 3 mild and a top 3 wild as well as best of.
due to very few Nissan’s last year although one of your members did attend and has already requested registration for the next show I need more to justify a class for Nissan.
If I recieve 6-8 PRE REGISTRATIONS for Nissans the Nissan class will be created. I want this to be a great show for anybody with anythin BUT, if you do not attend you cannot expect special treatment. Send me confirmation of 6-8 and it is done, easy as that.
I have no doubt that you will have an excellent time here if you check after show posts from the last show you will see that this show is awesome for everybody.
This is exactly why there is curently no class. Why would I create 7 awards for a class that cannot even commit to showing up. It is a waste of time and money for us to create a million awards only hoping that the cars actually show up.
The current list is for classes that have in the past attended or have given us an excellent pre reg response.
I would love to see lots of Nissans but we had Nissan awards left over last year and that is not good for the show, it is a loss of money and does not help sponsors when the awards they sponsor ends up in a box or thrown away
As i stated before, I have no problem adding Nissan as a class BUT I need commitment from Nissan owners first
yeah that makes perfect sense, no reason to make a nissan section with 7 awards if only like 4 show up… defeats the purpose.
doing it the otherway around would be pointless, especially if you set up the class then only 4-5 show up and you have to take the class away and combine it into the asian class afterward.
“Farmer” attended the last event and had a great time not only with the show, but with the awesome cops here. Check his post after the last event in the vents section here.
His car will actually be on the posters that we are doing right now.
Like I said, give me 6 pre-registrations and I will give you top3 mild, top3 wild and best Nissan and judging is NOT based on 300’s. we use a slightly modified national scoring system.