My SON Wallpaper was moved to the members section, i am not a member yet, and i can’t get the pictures people are posting, and i would like to keep this more of a members and non-paid members thing. If you could please move it to another section that everyone can access.
I am posting this cause i don’t know who moved it, so thought i’d address all mods with this.
thank you
It was me, and picture whoring threads get moved to Car Media.
Let us know as soon as you pay the membership fee, so we can grant you access to those sections.
Then why bother moving it, and not just locking it. I’m not paying just to make wallpapers for SON. so whatever
We posted up some good wallpapers in there now. And many members are posting pics of their cars that could be used for future wallpapers. But thank you for your consideration.
We posted up some good wallpapers in there now. And many members are posting pics of their cars that could be used for future wallpapers. But thank you for your consideration.[/quote]
thats great
i stopped caring.
We posted up some good wallpapers in there now. And many members are posting pics of their cars that could be used for future wallpapers. But thank you for your consideration.[/quote]
thats great
i stopped caring.[/quote]ok. ttyl man. peace in the middle east.