Computer Case Mod

Always have more in then out so that way the case as a slight positive pressure and dust will not settle in the case!

Ya, that’s what I figured.

i have a massive Fan for my comp, mine is horizontal box rather than vertical. I have a 6 inch fan that runs enough air to be a leafblower. Its not that loud and keeps my dual P4’s plenty happy.
If you want one i can get another for like $15, no lights but it blows more air that anything needs. I should make a videe of it, When i start up my comp its like listening to jet engine wind up.

Sounds loud to me

Get fans you can physically control. I’ve got 4 fans in total on my case: 2 blowers (top, side), 1 sucker (other side), controlled by 1 knob and a powersupply fan, controlled by a separate knob. This gets me around the noise issues because I can turn them high or low. If I crank them all the ambient temperature inside the case drops 10 degrees F in about 30 seconds in a 70 degree house :tup:

mine runs at about 55 degrees consistently

pour water on it
