Computer Case Mod

Tell me what you think. I need to pull some more air out of my case faster to cool it down a bit more and came up with this idea.

Take two blue illumninated case fans and cut spots for them on the sided of the case. If I make it look nice and lined up do yuo think it would look nice and also be effective?

EDIT I’ll do up a gif or something later when I get home to show what I want it to look like.

yes, that will work

cut her up !

my case, bought it this way cause it was the cheapest case i could find on newegg that didnt look horribly cheap, theres another led fan in the back thats unplugged at the moment, and the entire right side is perforated, both flans blow inward, air excapes out the other side

i just gotta get around to hiding all the wiring and make a trim piece for the drive trays that you can plainly see thru the side

the led’s show up WAY frakin brighter then they realy are in this pic

man up and water cool it :slight_smile:

That will be with my next computer some day.

Is it not better to suck the air out than blow it in? As you can see I haven’t really researched much on case fans yet.

one of my friends made a watercooled case and he went a bit overboard…if you set a drink on top of it, it will keep it cold, no lie. its quite rediculos, i think he said it has enough cooling power to keep like 4 ‘average’ computers more than cool at once. only thing i dont like about watercooled is the potnetial for leaks and the cases tend to be fairly big (my friends is like 2 feet tall and almost a foot wide…and most of the space inside is the cooling system)

Ya, it’s not really for me right now anyways. Just a couple more fans.

What is better… blowing in or blowing out to suck the air out?

What do you have that runs so hot?

Different cases have different results.

I bring air through the front,suck it out the back and everything stays nice and cool and not to mention relatively quiet.Nothing beats sucking the hot air out though from the processors HSF (with a fan on the side of the case).:tup:

All you need is a dremel and a steady hand.


You could go with 1 fan that flows good,at the expense of it being louder.

I said that about this computer
but i did not. :C

if one fan on the back is blowing air in, then have a fan on the side blowing air out. like a cross-draft

mine are both blowing in because it bounces the air right off the motherboard this way, instead of having it wrap around the back of the board and miss the heat sinks entirely

I’ve been watercooled for 3.5 years now and its the best.

Nothing really. I just didn’t build the computer with the greatest of airflow. :\

I figure what better way to cool it down a bit by blowing air from the side of the case right onto the motherboard and the processor and what not. Take that and make the fans illuminated and it should also look pretty cool too. My only thing is that I will end up putting them on the panel that you take off to get into the computer itself. That way it can blow into the more open area.

I’ll let you know what I decide.

haha crap i read it wrong, i thought you meant putting two fans ontop each other. Oh well, the more air flow the better cooling.

Get those big IDE cables out of the way, or rounded cables, make the air come in from the bottom front and blow out mid back, the psu will also help in the back. I’d rather have a top fan on the top of the case then side fans. If you get good air flow going from front to back you shouldn’t need side fans.

Hmm… mount a fan up front… that would be interesting to figure out.

side fans MUST blow in… … also effective to put one at the very top of the case to push air out… since that is where it’s collecting… but u’re gonna have a pretty noisey machine

lol you should see my setup :lol: ghetto fabulious

my power supply is just chilling off to the side and a big window fan sitting where the cover should be :stuck_out_tongue:

even OC’d my processor never gets warmer than 30* at full load lmao

if you are trying to put one fan on eash side, its pointless. the MOBO will prevent that side fan from being effective.
Fromt and back is nice.
1 fan blowing in (by the PCI slots) and one fan sucking out.

If you have any heat issues (which you shouldn’t) just clean up your wires. Move the cable behind a drive or the MOBO, and tighten everything up. I have one fan on my case, and a hotter rig, and I stay cool with no prob

Really, the only fan I have right now is on the back blowing out of the case. I wonder if that should be blowing in. :stuck_out_tongue: (Keep in mind this is my first computer that I’ve ever built from scratch.) Any comments on this part?

Ya, my cables aren’t the prettiest for sure. I’ll have to look into hiding them better. I may still put one on the side panel that’s not behind the MOBO to just get some extra air in there and to light it up a bit… lol.

I’ve read that the best place for an intake fan is in the front of the case, and exhaust in the rear (thats the way the air is flowing anyway, from the power supply). but honestly… long as theirs fresh, cooler air, going thru the case… I honestly doubt that it’s going to make any real difference in the temps