Computer Experts - Assistance Pls

Changing color depth from 32 to 16 makes a small but noticeable difference.

In the mood for a road trip? :shifty

Would diagnosing through remote desktop help?

Here’s a good test - try switching your theme to the most basic, single color, no-frills setup. Like a solid color background with animations disabled…

Give this a shot and see if it makes a difference for the better:

If so, you can safely say that you’re hitting a bottleneck in resources, be it video memory or if it’s scavenging (slower) memory from the motherboard because it’s operation requires more than is physically available on the video card itself…

Doing 2D based desktop computing is not going to cause any sort of bottleneck nor should it be causing issues like this. Its possible, but unlikely

Do you have the actual nvidia driver installed jclark or just the one windows installed? Generally the one windows installs is a generic one from nvidia and may not work all that great, try going to the link Mike posted and downloading the latest one right from nvidia

THat 6200 should be able to handle what your doing, hell I have an old AMD XP system with a GeForce 5200 that can run dual monitors without issue

Start with installing that driver and well go from there

What internet browser do you use? Try a different one. Maybe update flash?

Unless it lags with other programs too…

just buy a new fucking computer you cheap piece of shit

I concur with this fine gentlemen Jesse

Actually, I may have one I can sell ya and ill ship it to you

Windows 7 64bit
AMD Phenom II X4 965 3.4GHZ
4GB Ram
THink I have a 7900GT laying around I can put in it, if not ill just buy something

i have a better one i’ll sell

Mine will be like 300 less :rofl

this shit is legit though… not some shady junk

Computer don’t require weight savings… I put all the screws in my PC build :lol

I’m just sayin… it sounds like JClark needs some serious computing power
