Need Help Deciding on Video Card - Shady? Singh?

So…I had my GeForce 8800 Ultra RMA’ed for pixelating/freezing by MSI (paid $14 to ship it to them, they covered the rest). I got it back yesterday. Pop it in, start playing COD4:MW and within in like 20 minutes of playing, it locks up my entire computer. This is using the latest driver on NVidia’s site. I then down graded to the old 190.72 driver (I believe) that I was using before I started having issues, and still, same problem. Tried re-downloading the cracked .exe’s for MP and SP and it still happens. However, the card does NOT pixelate.

I even went so far as to download Windows 7 Ultimate and install that (by the way, it’s awesome. ALL of my XP software works and all drivers but audio was installed). I was thinking maybe something was up with my XP install. Nope, still happens. No pixelating though.

I think my card is still overheating I think. It runs 74C at pretty much idle according to speedfan. From what I’ve seen, this is almost normal (most google results yielded very high 60C range).

So…with all that being said.

I’ve narrowed it down to the following three cards:

  • MSI N275GTX Lightning GeForce GTX 275 1792MB 448-bit - $299.99 - Link
  • BFG Tech BFGEGTX2851024OCFUBE GeForce GTX 285 1GB 512-bit - $344.99 after rebates - Link
  • BFG Tech BFGEGTX2852048OCE GeForce GTX 285 2GB 512-bit - $354.99 after rebates - Link

Comparison of all three: Link

I am leaning towards the middle one for $344.99.

What do you guys think?

My system specs:

  • GIGABYTE GA-X38T-DQ6 Motherboard
  • Intel Quad Core Q9550 Yorkfield 2.83Ghz CPU
  • 4GB DDR3 1600 Dual Channel Memory
  • 1TB WD Caviar Black SATA 3.0Gb/ps HD
  • OCZ ModXStream 780W Power Supply

I am running this one:

Very happy with it. Ran Dawn of War 2 at max settings at 1650x1050 without breaking a sweat.

How much of an affect does memory (2GB, 1GB, 1792MB, etc.) have on video performance? Is it negligible?

Depends on your system memory. The more memory on the card, the less it needs to use your system memory. If your system already has a ton of system ram you won’t see too much of a difference between two cards with different amounts of on board ram, all else the same.

I have 4GB of DDR3 1600 memory. So I should save some monies and get a 892MB or 1GB card instead of 1792GB or 2GB? I’m trying to future proof as much as possible I guess…without spending $600 on a card like I did last time.

EDIT: Updated original post with system specs.

if you wanna future proof, get one of the 285’s

I think I might just go with the 2GB one then…the 1GB one has slightly faster clock speeds…but I dunno if 400mhz is better than an extra gig of memory. They are both probably pretty negligible.

Honestly hold out

DirectX 11 cards are around the corner should be a month or two…

I can’t wait that long haha. Especially with COD:MW2 coming out next month. My laptop ain’t cuttin it.

Well honestly I would, then you wont be kicking yourself in the balls a few months down the road when games are being released with it

1 of which i belive COD MW2 will have support for DX11…

I understand what you’re saying but it’s going to be a while before a lot of games use it, so waiting for it just for one game right now doesn’t make sense to me.

Although ATI already has DX11 cards using GDDR5 memory interface. But I don’t use ATI cards so…plus looks like November is the release date for NVidia’s GT300 DX11 card. But that’s not for sure…

Youd be suprised at the ammount of games comming out in the next couple months with directx11 support…

Im just saying why spend 300 bucks on a vid card, then in a few months want to take advantage of the performance/qualityt increases of DirectX11 and then say fuck I should have just waited

I know ive been there… Good things come to those who wait…

BFG for the winzorz

+1 BFG cards are awsome…

Generaly highly overclockable… The cooling on them is usualy the best

And well their warranty rocks

I have pretty much the same system specs as you, and I’m running a radeon 4850 or 4870 forget which. I love it.

Yeah Im acctualy suprised by the 4800 series…

ATI’s been doing pretty good in the video card market these days…

Makes me rethink my Nvidia fanboi love

Yeah this is why I’m doing the BFG card…lifetime warranty…although I could send my card to MSI again to have them fix it…if they couldn’t do it this time around I doubt they’ll be able to fix it. I’m convinced its not my system, cause my spare PCI-Xpress video card ran fine (although poor quality).

My thinking is I can get a 285 right now (going to go with the 2GB, about to order), and then if I absolutely need to…I’ll sell it to my brother or someone else for $250 or something. I don’t mind losing a little bit…I’m not exactly hard pressed for cash.

Thanks for your opinions guys.


Invidia or GTFO

MSI Sucks moose cock anyways

I have a motherboard from them

its the last one ille ver own from MSI

oh and my old 6800GT was from them too

Thing was a POS my friends EVGA could overclock circles around it

I bought the GTX 285 with 2GB Memory.