computer guys

any ideas on a good mother board and cpu combo? im thinking my comp is slowing down and want to make it a little bit faster so i wanna upgrade some stuff… any recommendations on a motherboard and cpu?

for your use… just a P4 with hyperthreading and then a mb thats on sale, something maybe with a 800mhz FSB

yo whitey whats the best way to upgrade my ram ? geta 1028 stick or go bigger i have a decent processor but putting my vids together it cant handle more than 8 min worth of combined video i havea 512 stick now

well that bottleneck actually has to do with a few things and it won’t be completely solved with RAM… what are the specs of your current system? some bios’s have limits on RAM amount too. what kind of RAM do you have in it currently?

here is my comp now its stock

that kinda hurts…
Advanced 333 MHz front side bus

but here is your answer for RAM
1 GB (2 x 512) requires replacement of the installed 256 Mb DIMMs

you need two 512 sticks to get your gb of ram

p4 > AMD?

i think so

P4 with hyperthreading is choice AMD has really nothing hitting the market thats compares.

ok so i can get a good p4 for 200 bucks but i have no idea what a good mb would be

yeah not the greatest comp but i had no time to build one so ohh wel
thanks whitey !!

tell you the truth instead of buying the RAM I would wait till you see a MB and Processor go on sale then buy that and just use all the other components from your computer you have now