So I didnt end up getting the tv I started the other thread about, so I figured maybe I should finish one of these PCs I have laying around. Basically Im starting with a bare case, 450w power supply, WD 500gb data, and 120gb os/recovery HDD… So I need a mobo, processor, video card, and ram.
Heres what Im thinking:
Ram x2:
The onboard card should be enough to run Black Ops on say medium settings for now? I dont really know enough, but I have been reading up on this stuff for a while. It will be mainly a gaming rig, so the quad core should not be necessary, so I went with the better of the dual cores they offered. Micro Center has an awesome deal on this mobo/chip combo, but Im no where near one. So yeah, open to suggestion. Most likely try running Unbuntu also, as I want to try to be 1337 lol
Yeah that is def a better deal as far as the RAM. As far as the board, I know on board graphics suck, but you really think the first board I have there wont run well? I switched my stuff around, so the mobo/vid card and ram you suggested, but still the x2 dual core, that makes it $390, so still around my budget for now. You really think I need the quad core? 3.3ghz Dual v 3.4ghz Quad will it make that much difference at this point? Im a noob member
But I could always upgrade to a sweet quad core in the future. Yes Im being stubborn, I just kinda want to finish this, and use it lol I really think the dual will meet my needs, I mainly play old ass CS anyways, Worms, and copy dvds.
ReDevil, serioulsy dude, spend the extra 40 fucking dollars and get the quad 965. If it was 100-150 dollar difference, maybe id say okay… but 40 fucking dollars man. Don’t tip the hookers so well next time there over and youll be set.
I built a powerhouse in November 2008 and just bought some parts for it in anticipating of upgrading the rest of it. You have to be smart in order not to waste parts/money. Even before the ‘refresh’ it ran damn good. For a 3 year old PC I was still playing all of the new games coming out without problem.
Everything I bought will work on my next build which is going to be a beast.