Computer Help

How can I remove an admin password from the BIOS of a notebook? Specifically Dell Inspiron 8200, P4 1.8. I can’t format + reinstall windows for some reason, and that’s my only clue in the BIOS.

there is no admin passwrod in the bios… there is a bios password that will allow you to get in… if you boot to an xp cd, it will circumvent any administrator authentication for windows…

can you boot into the cd?

if you’re getting into the bios then the bios probably doesn’t have a passwrod.

i’m confused on why a password is causing a problem.

Is this problem being caused because you have the boot sequence set to hard disk first in BIOS, and can’t change it to CD?

it looks like the previous owner got rid of it halfway through an XP install. I try to boot from CD, but boot options are disabled in the BIOS, and there’s an ADMIN function password protected that I’m assuming grants access to these settings.

yeah, we need more info

there are tons of ways

you can open the computer up adn pull the lithium battery for 10 mniutes to reset teh CMOS

you can go into dos and run debug commands to reset the password

you can open teh computer and find the jumpers, the one on the far right (should be) should say ‘clear’ and that will reset the password

or you could flash the bios (assumig you can boot from floppy)

gotta hit the clear jumper setting

you can open it up and pop the watch-type battery out and try to reset it.

Laptops fucking suck for stuff like this. If you have to open her up…have fun taking it apart. :wink:


for shits, just boot and hold f8 and boot to dos prompt

and if it’s an OEM dell install

type this (if XP or 98)


c:>o 70 17

c:>0 71 17



no luck.

can’t get to a dos prompt.

tried the F8 thing.

i’m going to try to find the master password tonight, then if all else fails, open the thing up and pop the battery out. If that doesn’t clear it, I guess I’ll just run it over with my car…

sell it to me…

Eh, could send it back to manufacturer and have them reset the BIOS if you can’t do it physically yourself?

Or you COULD sell it to fshowcars… :wink:

that’s what i’d do .

not mine to sell.

loot it,than sell it!

pay me to fix it then

admin password ended up being “tigger”


I was trying to find a manual on it because I was bored. Opening it up would have probably been easier. As sonny said, theres a clear jumper for it.