Computer Help

My gf just got a new laptop and it has some easy transfer program on it for data transfer the thing is we cant find an easy data transfer cable anywhere and she doesnt wana spend 40.00+ on a cable shes gonna use one time. So does anyone have an easy transfer cable for Vista that we can borrow for a day or so …thanks for all the help in advance

I can’t believe someone is using the easy transfer in vista.

just copy what you want from the old computer to a cd/dvd or external hard drive.

So that’s what they’re calling USB cables in Vista?

Its for my gf not for me …I couldnt care less

Does both computers have an ethernet port? does she have a router/switch and 2 ethernet cables? You can transfer it easier than that without spending any money as long as she doesn’t have big files.

I’ll sell you a blank DVD for $10… it’s quite cheaper than the cable and will also back up the data at the same time.

we have a router and all the cables its just 600 or so music files that will take forever

600 or so music files will not take that long to transfer. I have way more files than that and it takes about 30 minutes to transfer them to my mp3 player by USB. Ethernet is faster. Just hook them up through the router and drag and drop. It won’t take that long.

usb 2.0 far supercedes 100mbps.

but i agree… use networking and just copy the files overnight.

Usb is 480Mbps. Unless you have a gigabit router (1000mbps), which I doubt so it’s probably 100mbps, it’ll be faster that way. It’s just easier to do it through ethernet instead of the stupid $50 usb cable that you’ll use once. Nick, what are the operating systems the computers have?

both are using Windows Vista