computer not booting up

OK so i did a normal rutine matence check up and cleaned up the computer today. just cleaing out dust and etc…

well when i put the computer back, now its not booting up at all…

all fans go, no video source tough.

use to get a single beep at boot up now nothing…

not sure if i fried my video card or something else…

abit max 3 mother board
p4 2.8 ghz ht cpu

Pull the card out. Clean contacts with a pencil erased and then cotton swab and alcohol.

How did you clean it out? air can?

sounds like static discharge, or the CPU, or ram are not seated properly

vacum cleaner.

well at least its better than spraying water inside…

hmm, i doubt that would jar anything, to not make it do anything… Maybe you did fry it with the static…

I could totally see the vacuum cleaner doing something like that, pull it all apart again and put it back together carefully, maybe something isn’t in there right

edit: you did have it off when you were vacuuming it out?

yes, and i took the parts out

pull them all out and put them back in again… something may not be in there. right… and make for damn sure the CPU is in right, i doubt you separated the heatsink and the cpu… so make sure its down and flush like it should be…

doing that now,

by chance do you know of any local places that sell higher end mother boards/cpus?

newegg… where else … just wait the 2 days for shipping, its more than worth it

Something is not seated properly. Reseat every card/chip/cable you pulled out.

yea i told him that over aim to check everything… some concerns with the motherboard being shot.

Install vista, it will solve everything. haha

yea im pretty sure the mobo is shot, b4 if i left the keyboard unplugged and turned the computer on it would beep, now its not even doing that.

You didn’t use the attachment with the brush end did you? Many a computer has died that way.

a vac? u just went down 2 pegs.