computer problems, plz help!

so my computer is pretty much shot and im attempting to fix it again. i upgraded from windows me to xp and it changed the drive format from fat32 to another one. now my question is how do i restore it without going back to me, the disk doesnt work that i have. anyone ever have this problem?

did you use the same hard drive when you upgraded?

are you asking how do you get your files back from you “windows me” machine after you formatted the hard drive?

sry i should have specified, my computer is running so slow now that i need to restore it and get rid of all the shit on there ie. music, games, porn, etc. but when i had me all i had to do was pop in the disk and click restore and it would erase what i wanted. i guess my question is can i do that with it still and if not what could i do?

edit- and yes it is the same hard drive but i did have to upgrade my modem when i installed xp and my burner stopped working

You want to do a reformat and lose everything that is on there now, and completely start over? That includes all of your data, games, and music.

if thats what it takes to get my computer running again then ill do it but if i can delete some shit and get it back up to speed then ill do that. iv been messing around with it for a while now and have goten no where

how fast is your computer?

Windows ME is the biggest pile of shit OS ever

my computer is the biggest piece of shit. its an hp with a celeron in it and im suprised its lasted me this long, not because of the computer itself but because its been thrown a few times. anyways i got it working sort of now buts its slow as shit. it doesnt help either that i have photoshop, fruity loops, a few games and almost 2500 songs. haha and i wonder why it doesnt work?

but at least it doesn’t have “y2k” problems… like 98 and 95 had

How much ram do you have?