config mangement server?

Anyone run one of these? or have suggestions on which one to use?

I am trying to keep track of 100+ Juniper, Cisco, Vyatta, and BSD firewall configs…

I am testing some product by Solarwinds/Kiwi now…

Personally, I’ve never ran one but I’ve heard from others that the Solarwinds one is pretty nice.

I back up everything before I do work…but I am starting to have other people work under me if they break something I hear about it…

this is a preventative step :lol:

Nothing wrong with that. Make sure they’re not using a generic login so that you can tell who’s breaking what.

Solarwinds has it, and we have it. I don’t use it though, I don’t think anyone does lol

Just save each config manually you lazy asshole.

I will cut you…

All the core stuff I am the only one with access…I am more worried about remote sites and system engineers under me who make changes…:roflpicard:

Manual saving here.

<-- not of any help

:lol: You have it easy…Now you’re the only network engineer :lol:

i use note pad, sometimes excel :tup:


I just save the configs to my laptop. Can tell people its not my problem when some tech fucks up a firewall and shit hits the fan since the config I have saved each time I made changes != the one thats running on there now.

That + individual logins = save my ass

That’s a good point, nobody else is going on anything :slight_smile: lol