Confirmed: Ghostbusters 3 Movie



Hollywood must really be hard pressed for fresh movie ideas.

I concur.

good concept and the first one was awesome

No way!!! The world is just dying for an Omega Man remake starring Will Smith!

And yes i was being sarcastic. Omega man ruled. I am slightly curious about the new ghostbusters. Didn’t someone post vids from a video game that looked like it was under production? Related maybe?

wait, did i read that right?

fucking CGI?

First TMNT now this??


Yeah the CGI part does kinda ruin it.

Fuck… All excited till that last sentence about it being CGI.

Huge :tdown:

Kinda makes sense why it has to be CGI… Of all 4 original main actors, the ONLY one who can really pass for “about” the same age is “Winston”, with “Ray Stance” coming in a far second, followed by “Egon” as the third worse off. FORGET IT with “Peter”… Bill Murray has aged badly compared to the other guys.

We’ll have to wait and see. In all honestly, a lot of the CGI stuff is getting so good that you have a hard time telling what is real or what isnt. In 10 years, actors as we know it may be a thing of the past! With good CGI and voiceovers of the actual original characters, it might be pretty good.

Uhh, a CGI Ghostbusters movie. Unless it’s based on the cartoon series I have to fly the :gay: flag.

been saying that for a while now. I havent seen a movie in a long time that wasnt the same stupid story already done with different names & places.

Wait. so its gonna be a fuckin cartoon?! wtf. how ghey.