congrats plaf

Paul and his wife britt had there daughter aubry last night at 11.30 , Congrats man its a hell of a ride !!! Also if she looks like momma keep the firearms handy ! U got no issues if she looks like u though lol

Congrats! I cant wait for my son to get here its killin me!

Congrats bro!!!

Congrats! It’s going to be a wild ride from here! Ours just turned 2 months, get your sleep NAO!

Thanks John and everyone else, shit was a crazy experience

congrats man!!!

Did she have natural ? Did ya see all of it ?

Congrats man.

Saw everything, she had an epidural but it was a vaginal birth

U will never look at it the same way again lol


Sent from my fecal collecting throne




congrats man

Congrats! My daughter should be comin in hot in about a month!


Congrats! We’re due in about 7 weeks. Any advise so I don’t pass out on her haha?!?

Congrats guys!

Congrats man!! Time will now FLY by.

Life really re-begins now. Congrats