congrats plaf

i had the same concern when mine was born since i get queasy around medical situations involving people i care about due to seeing something i wasnt ready to see when i was younger… honestly, i stood there so amazed at the moment that i never had an issue. watching your child be born is the absolute most amazing thing you will ever experience.

my advice to you is to just be there for the mother. everything else will be handled for you

Oh I’m fully prepared to have my hand broken from her squeezing it haha.

I thought I’d pass out too, you get caught up in the moment. Something you’ll have to experience. Crazy

Im shitting my pants not knowing what to expect haha

congrads to you and the wife

U won’t pass out unless your a total bitch , your in such amazment/ awe and jacked on adrenaline u won’t be able to look away . But I do recommend not looking back after baby is out until the doc has the afterbirth out and gone lol . I almost puked when I saw that lol so gross

I have three months till my daughter is here and i cant wait. congrats man

Saw after Birth as well, not pleasant

My baby boy just turned two months old. Watching is not that bad at all, and like John says, nothing can prepare you for it. Ill second the advice on not watching after the baby is born, not that you should worry as your attention will be on the baby.

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My plan is to stay up near her head haha.

Is the after birth like one of those really bad car accidents that you know you really dont wanna look at, but then you look and wish you never did?

Congrats dude!!!

After birth is disgusting, it looks like hell, literally

If you want to see it just google it… lol.

I wont have to google it. Im going to see it first hand in about a month.

You can also google gastroschisis but it doesn’t make it a good idea.

I’d rather see it on some website than popping out of my girl. Lol