
hey guys…ive been brainstorming cosmetic stuff i can do to my s13 and im trying to decide…ive been looking into a front end conversion (silvia, kouki, s15) and im wondering if u guys know how mutch each diferent one is and were i can get them…or if u have any other info/sugestions about them it would be helpfull too


What type of car do you have?

Its a 1991 240sx

You can put almost any front end conversion onto any car.

Quick breakdown of the common 240 ones:

silvia - $1000
sivia aero - $1500
s15 - $2500
s14 zenki - $1500
s14 kouki - $2000

Those are estimates depending on if you get new/used parts etc.

s14_2Nv could u tell me what parts i would need for a s15 and a kouki conversion and were i could get them preferably used so that its cheaper

Dude this info is all over the forum, all over the web, and very easily found… try Google, or the handy search function on this forum.

if you want to do the s15 conversion properly it’ll cost you way more than 2500, closer to 4500.

do something UNIQUE and keep it stock… too many darn silvia front ends around these days if you ask me… every one wants to convert… makes the exotic look seem common place now…

just my .02 but any swap will cost 1200+ for the parts and another 5-700 for a decent paint job.

The pop up headlights are hotness.
But if you’re gonna do something, do the 240Z front :wink: The only front end conversion I’d ever do.

That’s a hot conversion. I lost the only picture I had of it! I loved that picture. :frowning:

thats why you drive a real silvia…



im not really asking for opinions on what i should or should be doing or wich one to do…just wanted to know how mutch a kouki conversion is and were i can get it

This isnt Technical, and do some homework.
