CONVERTED my Focus SVT into an RS!


fuck that one piece of shit bolt that was seized to the bushing insert.
and the e brake cables for being in the way on the alignment rack.

thats all i have to say. lol

Man your car is lookin good

Well, I spent the last 6hrs in the garage. I’ve got both fenders ready for a final rob down in 400 grit, the rub strips and hatch trim are rubbed down in 400 already, and I am nearly done with repairs to the wing. I’ll have to do some more sanding on the wing tomorrow before getting it in 400 grit, then 400 the fenders, and everything is ready for paint. planning to finish up and then paint tomorrow after work, then let everything sit/cure until thursday after work to re-assemble, then leave for ohio friday afternoon(taking a half day at work fri)

Ugh, Why am I always finishing up paintjobs after 3am?!?!?

anyways, kinda fought an uphill battle with the paint process, but in the end I was victorious. First, I was in a hurry cause it was already 10pm when I was trying to spray sealer…and ran the sealer on one of the fenders. So I waited for it to dry and wetsanded with 400…Then on color I kept having lift, so had to wait for the color to dry, then wetsand with 600 and hit the next coat. ended up with 4 coats of paint to make it go away. Finally I got to clear…and realized I had less hardener than I thought…barely had enough. got 3 SOLID coats of clear on, and I have to say it came out pretty damn good. Well, aside from one QP rub strip that lifted REALLY bad and I couldn’t save it. going to have to sand that one down and pound some adhesion promoter on it before trying again. And I put a beefy run on the top of the wing from having it hanging too upright.


(this is probably where I ran the sealer lol)

after 4 coats of color

First clear


second clear

Third clear

Going to leave this stuff sit until thursday after work and then assemble the car.

Looks awesome man!!

I’m going to be so happy to see this thing in one piece, one color and driving lol.

fixed it. LOL

pics look good on the internet :tup:

glad to see that you’re finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Car is gonna look good man.

HOLY FUCK, Your garage is clean. What did you do with the 178236 bikes that were in there?

You totally look like you are wearing jorts here

cut-offs, I’m a never-nude.

---------- Post added at 03:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:01 PM ----------

I pulled them all out into the driveway to paint, and then put them all back in at 4am. SUCKED.

Sweet mother of Jesus! Looking fucking fantastic!

Def. rocking the Tobias jorts.

Excellent progress



I can’t wait to show my mom this build, I’m sure she’ll approve :slight_smile:


I’m really enjoying the progress pics.