Cope Kicks Bucket

its sad. i know hes a love him or hate him type of guy as far as an announcer or whatever, but overall hes a cool guy and he loves the steelers. i feel bad for his family but it seemed he wasnt in good health as of late, so its probly for the better.

umm the pirates didnt fire bob prince…

Soon after control of the broadcasts changed from Atlantic Richfield to Westinghouse Broadcasting in 1969, Prince had numerous conflicts with Westinghouse management. His conflicts with Westinghouse executives Edward Wallis and A.B. “Bill” Hartman became personal. Finally, in 1975, Prince and sidekick Nellie King were fired,
get your facts straight before you start bashing the wrong people.

I Agree…

I cannot believe the Cope bashing going on in this thread. :eek2:

Thats what I don’t understand about pittsburgers, I mean, its not like the guy really DID anything other than be annoying and announce games. It wasn’t because of him the Steelers won, or people loved the steelers, This is a football town, plain and simple. If we didn’t have football, i’m pretty sure 99% of this city would commit suicide.

If Sheldon Ingram died tomorrow, nobody would give a flying fuck, so why care about a annoying old guy who ate butter soaked perogies for 60 years and finally died.

I’m not saying, i don’t feel for his family, but just because he’s Myron Cope, doesn’t mean the whole city needs to suck on his nuts.


They covered Cope longer than when Mayor Bob O’connar died!!!

what are talking about!!! pittsburgh wasnt a football town until we started to win and cope was a part of the whole attraction. the man INVENTED THE TERRIBLE TOWEL…how much more steelers can you get than the symbol of steelers football.

i’m also sure 99% of this city wouldn;t commit suicide…you give pittsburgh another excuse to get drunk and act obnoxious and they will be perfectly fine.

Don’t be sad that no one likes the Pirates… its ok… you’ll live.

dude, they are talking about him on the radio in orlando even. how fucking crazy is that?

it has nothing to do with the pirates. cope invented the terrible towel as a way to get fans excited for a play-off game against baltimore in 1975… the terrible towel and the way fan use that as rally point has surely had an impact on games. 60 thousand fans waving towels jumping up and down, shaking the 1st level sideline seats of three rivers… myron cope had a nice hand in that atmosphere. people in this city get buried with their terrible towels… thats how much of an effect myron cope had in this city…he wasnt an annoying voice catch phrase announcer, he was an award winning journalist.

:drama: <----- can we rename this graphic to :cutty:

Well excuse the fuck outta me!:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

You don’t think the Pirates organization at the time could have done anything eh? I knew Bob Prince, and sat and talked with him at a CYA man of the year dinner before he died. There was more to that whole thing than most people knew. Joe L Brown wanted him gone, as he did not like Princes ‘ramblings’.
But hey, you work for the Pirates right, so i apologize for bashing your employer…
Enough hijacking…back to Myron…

It is a sad day his announcing was colorful

Rest In Peace Mr. Cope, the Steeler Nation will miss you.

i’ve said many times before, they sign my checks. but i dont agree with half the stuff they do. i just think they get treated like crap not because of anything they do but because people treat it like the pirates vs the steelers…

sad, but not really a surprise.


Myron Cope was THE sportsjournalist of the 60’s. He was big shit before the Steelers stuff. RIP.

walked in my moms room…she had the tv on…and you can guess what was on the screen…i turned around and went back into my room

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