Cope Kicks Bucket

wow, you really outdid yourself with that comeback. I don’t even know how to respond to such a brilliant and original reply.


its so great to see people that hated him as much as I did, Nothing could ruin a Steelers game like having to listen to that annoying double yoi fucker.

ahahahahahahahahahahahahaha :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Thats what im talking about… double yoi!!!

I thought I was going to get flamed for hating on Cope… I coulda cared less, I thought it was funny… its funny a lot more people hate him than I thought!

I couldnt stand to listen to him. growing up my old man would turn down the tv to put cope on the radio. :puke:

rip myron

I’m not going to piss on his grave or anything, but I did not like him on the radio.
Does anyone think the guys in the booth liked having him there or merely tolerated him?

I didnt like listening him either.

I was highly annoyed by him as well.

RIP Myron,

i did that as well…mostly when madden was the announcer on tv, cuz i hate listening to madden

:steelers: art rooney was the owner, chuck noll built the dynasty but myron cope was the heart and soul of steelers nation. he was the perfect fit for this city.


RIP Myron.

this thread is full of Pittsburgh hating faggotry.

cope wasnt only a steelers anouncer. he was thee sports guy in pittsburgh, before ellis, before madden, before savran, before nover… THIS IS MYRON COPE ON SPORTS.

RIP Myron…he was a true Pittsburgh original…mmmmmm-haaa

Gotta give credit to the Steelers for keeping Myron as long as he wanted to stay…unlike the assholes in the Pirates who fired Bob Prince(dumbfucks)

savran is a tard too

Terrible Towel Originator?

thats like being proud your from Queens