
I am relatively anti cop due to douchebaggery of cops around us (not all – theres some cool guys including some friends of mine who are cops).

However… absofrickinlutely not. This douchebag of a ‘kid’ deserved it in every sense of the word including his cussing buddy.

On the other hand the white 240 running away from a cop, that kid i felt sorry for him… pointing guns and ten cops coming to beat him up and all wtf… now thats cop assholes (other video).


Off duty cops never seem to ever identify being a cop. Know a few guys that were manhandled by a stranger and fought back, only to be arrested with assaulting a police officer because that stranger was an off duty cop that manhandled a dude without first identifying himself as an off duty cop. Same shit. Playing the system to their advantage.

I go through this shit 100x more than the police officer. Try damn near everytime I get in my 240. Nobody calls me a bitch-Clearly the kid didn’t like BMW types and was angry-but I do get persistent types. Try 15-20 minutes of following types. INust shrugged it off and they chilled. Then again, I don’t look like a cop-a look some have come to hate.

That same cop also probably harassed the shit out of people like 90% of the time wasting bullshit cops. Maybe he’s an exception. I just love how police harass with the badge on, manipulating the law to protect them from harassment charges, but as soon as they go through the shit they subject people to (harassment) they call their buddies in blue to ring them up. Nice.

lol owned.

I have my own little story to share too.

I was on the 401 East, heading back from Milton driving my white 240sx when a guy in a black bmw comes up beside me and starts revving at me. My girlfriend was in my passengerseat and told me to ignore him, which i planned on doing anyway. He was in the fast lane and i was in the centerlane going roughly 120-130km/h. He got caught behind a slower moving car in the fast lane and whipped out behind me and started riding my bumper(literally an inch away from my rear). I stayed my pace and once free he headed back to the fast lane and continued his revving at me and laughing with his buddy in the passenger seat. I decided to slow down to 100km/h in hope that he would keep going and leave me alone. But nope, he slowed aswel and stayed alongside me. After 10-15mins of this he decided i wasnt worth it and accellerated and darted away, and at that time i was going about 130km/h again. About 5 minuites later i saw a cop car with its lights on off to the side of the road behind that exact same BMW (LOL). So myself being cocky i decided to revv as i passed and laughed to myself.

LOL, where do you live buddy? it still is! ive filed complaints and nothing fuckin happens!!!

ballin, I woulda done the same thing.

fuck cops

^ gay

I’am pretty sure an off duty cop cant do or prove shit…so everything that happened before the other cop showed up is going to go down in court

Not a chance.
This kid had what was coming to him.

I agree with this 100% kid had it coming. My friends disagree saying cop took advantage of the kid.

My opinion if your being stupid like this you deserve to be smacked with the law book

had a off duty cop ( in a tacoma, didnt know he was cop)tailgating me so i did i light brake check, not hard.
Keeps passing and slowing down
acting like a jackass.
I grab my ohone to call in his plate
im on the phone with the cop shop(not 911) and he flashes a badge and pulls me over and writes me a summons for being on the phone. said i came out of my lane.

none the less, 25 year vet cop having bad day cost me three points, not pleased.

The kid had it coming for sure. Anyone that is that vulgar has something coming. I would have just nailed him with exhibition of speed and a firm tman-to-man talk, maybe a little off the record talk about the car business. That kind of speed that young can take control of a guy. It’s tempting when you have that much speed and freedom at the tap of the foot. I know exactly the rush he wanted so bad he’d chase a man down and act like an asshole just for the chance of satisfying it. It’s an addiction lol. A very dangerous one at that.

He does have a 350z though which is damn hard to afford at 18, let alone build and mod it. He’s taken care of by daddy unless he’s got a hustle better than most grown men. Life lesson laid for by daddy big bux.

thats just gold lol…i love that story