Bitch Pigs

Omg, I just had the most brutal night ever. It started off on a high note because Sasha from Sequence Garage informed me that my other coupe’s motorswap has been finished and I can come pick up the car. I’m all excited and we decide to meet up in a couple of hours.

Anyways, I decide to replace my middle brake light so I go to crappy and buy some bulbs and replace them. I didn’t notice but my wallet must have somehow dropped outta the car while I was fixing it. I decide to go to the bank around 8:30 from the canadian tire parking lot and pick up the loot I owe Sasha (I didn’t know my wallet was lost).

I start driving away and of course I get pulled over by some bitch fat ass cop. He tells me that my muffler is too loud and since I have duals, its even worse. Aparantly they’re just noise makers that don’t muffle the engine noise at all. I look for my wallet and its gone. I get a $110 ticket for the exhaust and a $110 ticket for not having my liscense. I asked the pig if I could go to the Canadian Tire and look for the wallet, bitch says no and has the nerve to keep me stopped for exactly 30 mins until the store close. I couldn’t go inside the store when I returned to ask about my wallet. I also couldn’t pick up my car today since I couldn’t withdraw the money…

Basically, cops are stupid bitches. This is the second noise ticket I have got (first one was deserved since I had a brutal exhaust leak) this month. I also had $75 in my wallet so I lost about $300 today not including the hassle I have to go through to inform my credit card company etc. $30000 a year well earned for protecting the streets from a “loud” exhaust for this bitch cop.

So, does anyone have any suggestions on excuses and shit I can use to deal with this garbage?

dont stop :?:

thats shitty fuck the popo lol

fight the ticket, tie it up in court and waste as much of their time as possible…

its like antonio’s sig used to say… their time is worth more than yours so you are making a profit…lol

Unfortunately… exhaust tickets are just something you have to deal with when you drive a modified vehicle.
It’s basically the only “for-sure” thing they can give most of us seeing as it’s officer’s discretion.

Losing your wallet sucks, its really annoying to replace everything. Never
happened to me, but it happened to a friend recently who had his birth
certificate and SIN in there. He had to go thru a bunch of crap just to prove
he even existed so he could get his ID back.

As for the exhaust… If you’ve already been pulled over for a loud exhaust
then make it quieter. If you know cops consider it too loud, and you don’t fix
it then you’re just asking for it.

I have A’PEXi N1 Duals and leave my silencers in because its nice and quiet.
When I’m at the track I can take it out for a few extra HP.

My philosophy is if you don’t give the cops a reason to pull you over, they

this is VERY true (for the most part). sometimes they do pull you over for literally nothing, but if you’re smart about it and know how to talk to them, you’ll be fine.

good luck with getting your stuff back and fighting those tickets. i’ve had my wallet stolen, and if i didn’t have my birth cert. stashed at home, i would have had an even shittier time getting all of my documents back. i wish i could say the same about getting my 300 bucks back…

atleast you got your car properly fixed by sashy

loosing wallets is a bitch

The popo make more then double the $30,000k/year you listed…

Sorry to hear about your series of unfortunate events. I sure as hell wouldn’t want that to happen to me.

i love slut pigs, got caught doing 50 over she gave me 10 over

Haha, yea I loved that sig. I can’t even remember what I have now.

Edit: Ah… this one aint bad either.

It’s getting old. Give us some updated humour.

Everyone has a boss, and so do they. It may not help your situation, but it may help someone else down the road. Contact the station. Explain to them what happened and how you felt that you were held for what you felt to be just long enough for the store to close.
One thing is to never tell them how to do their job, don’t offer suggestions. But their job is to protect and serve the public. By being a prick on purpose and not letting you retrieve your wallet is a security concern for you. Identity theft is very common, tell them that becuase of the actions by this officer your now at risk. Just let them be aware of the actions by this officer.
Also, ask them for a card, they have to provide you with one. Write the time and date on the reverse.


i told a cop one time that 5.0 mustangs are 10x louder then my car cuz their dual tips just deafen people on the street and he let me go. If you think about it its true…5.0’s are extremely loud.

As far as I’m concerned. If a cop pulls you over for loud exhaust, and you have some sort of aftermarket exhaust that is loud. You deserve it, its your own fault for having a loud exhaust. My exhaust is piss loud, I would not argue with a cop if he gave me a ticket for it, because its my own fault. However, if he nails you with other stuff ontop of it, that is merly just added BS. Thats when you should get pissed.

So the exhaust ticket I would pleed guilty and the no license thingy I would fight.


Andrew, i agree that if you have an exahust and you get pulled over, you’re guilty - it comes with the territory. but who says you should just bend over and pay it? you don’t have to argue, but you can take it to court where you have a chance at saving some money.

just my $110.