2 tickets...lol

So last night after working 15 hour shift I was on my way out, then what do i see behind me… Toronto Police Services! He followed me for 5 mins noticed i was heading into Mississauga then pulled me over…

I give all the paper work as you normally do… he checks for front plate and then says “your car smokes too much!”
I laughed and said “so does yours, and if you haven’t noticed its cold outside so thats why every car that passed does the same thing as well”
After that exchange he then try and tell me about how a car works.
I ask him “do you know how condensation works?” he said “no”
I smiled and asked if he was going to give me a ticket or not… He said yes, and walks back to his car.
Comes back about 10mins later and give me a ticket for ‘Smoke and Muffler’ I look up at him and said “I cant wait to see you in court, its going to be fun!” then he gets a real confused look on his face and I drive off!!

I was polite the entire time, and I cant wait to see him in court. Thing is if I did something wrong I wouldnt care so much about getting a ticket because its for a reason and they doing their job. But for something just to waste my time and trying to tell me how a car works is what I hate. I am going to the court house Monday to put in a First Attendants date and a trial date. TPS, I like you guys and girls but dont waste my time. I already feel sorry for him already if I have to go all the way to court with this.

THE END :slight_smile:

LOL what the hell is wrong with these silly pigs… I gotta ask you, was there actually anything wrong with your muffler? Because we all know it’s not the mufflers fault for a “smoking” exhaust.

wow… cant belive you got a ticket for driving your car in cold weather… wtf???

my benz used to do that with un burnt fuel… since it was v12… but fuck man… even 08 honda civic will do the same in -6 weather…

Don’t answer this ^ ! it’s bait to incriminate yourself!

IRo is 5.0… lol

That officer needs to go back to school… hot vapour into colder air equals visible “steam” it even works opposite like when you open your freezer the colder air hitting the warmer air creates the same effect (same with ice cubes)

Funny thing is this is common sense, something the police pride themselves on.

Your first course of action is to save the newspapers with the weather forcast for yesterday and also print out any weather related stuff on cp24 and/or weather network for that day.

When you file for disclosure look for the officer’s notes regarding the color of the supposed “smoke” he saw as this relates to your ticket.
Obviously if he put black smoke etc you can dispute it with being night time and question how he identified it as being black. If the color was not indicated or the white vapour then your good to go. Both of those will get your ticket easily thrown out.

That officer was a real winner… such a waste of time and resources.

lol wow… im suprised when you questioned him he didnt get offended. they tend to do that when you question there knowledge lol

gl with the ticket… should have np throwing it out

lol IRo is my boy from college days

I have already put together a package for the judge to see that includes weather reports, some common chemisty, and incase the officer put a exhaust color in his notes afterwards i question how this is shown at night, but i know my car only does cold smoke. I cant wait, ill even bring paper work showing all the work i have done in the past month and a half… I know this will get thrown out so fast!!

Sounds like your all set… I hope the justice/judge really clowns this guy… I’ve seen it happen before a Judge chewed a young cop out for wasting the courts/tax payers time with a bogus ticket/charge. It was great. I respect the police and all but there needs to be accountability on all sides.

Awesome GL man!!!

Although i think in this situation he doesn’t care, and prob wants to go to court. Either he gets payed on his day off to go in for a little bit or he’ll be on shift and gets paid to sit around.

i figured that lol… part of his job:)… its all good

the point is ITS A HASSLE… at the end of the day it cost time n time is money!

1st you got to take time off work or school to go set a court date(crazy line up), then you got to wait like 8 months and go again to the court house pay for parking or get a parking ticket just to try to prove urself for something u had no control over and MOST times the court is in the favor of the cop. they dont throw out tickets very often especially when its more than 1 so in the end it cost you and the cop gets paid.TOTAL B.S

Nitescream im sorry to say it man but you got pulled over for being a blackman. Now go and kick the laws ass

thats the stupidest thing i have ever heard someone being pulled over for.

It happens all day everyday LOL.its called DWB driving while black lol


man sounds like your going about it right, I got a similar bullshit ticket and I did the same thing got a bunch of information together and when I got to court the crown saw it all and threw it right out, hopefully the crown realizes the piss poor judgment of the officer.

best of luck bud

I’m surprised you received that ticket from a Toronto officer. That kind of bs has Peel or York written all over it. I guess being out after 12Am= instant target. Judges aren’t oblivious to basic science, I have a feeling the judge may rip on the cop for this one. This is a laughable ticket. I swear some of these cops pull people over to try and find weapons, drugs, or alcohol with Rambo policing tactics; and when things don’t quite add up, they have a bs ticket to fall back on as justification. Don’t agree with that method at all.


“Do you know what’s condensation”


silly cops.

I had one pull me over for “amber” headlights.
Im like, HTA says amber white and blue lamps are permitted for use. Nothing else.
Comes back, your lights are yellow. Im like wtf, what colour is a caution light on a stop light, yellow or amber. He said “AMBER” i said thanks, you just proved my point. See you in court.

The first attendance meeting was the best. The crown/jp guy was…a guy i had sold a hardtop to 3 days prev. We chatted about miatas after and i went home minus ticket.