2 tickets...lol

Mad ESL.

What was the specific infraction that the officer cited if you remember? I’m curious what an officer would cite as the infraction. If it mentioned yellow headlights, and then cited the section of the HTA that mentions that you must have no more than four forward facing lights, white or amber in colour; that’d be a riot. I was going to go amber with the winter vehicle but figured it isn’t worth the trouble ATM.

some of these guys just get those quiet nights where they have nothing to do, so the first car they see that has any potential for a ticket, they go right for it.
they assume you probably dont know anything and will accept the ticket, and even after talking to you, i get the feeling they’d just hate to walk away without giving anything out, even if its something as dumb as car smoke on a cold winter day.

just one big waste of time