damn cops

alright…so today I went to the North york Civic Centre on Yonge St north of Sheppard to dispute a parking ticket(for a ticket I received for parking where my PARKING PERMIT permits me to park all year round day or night, and I’ve been doing so for the past year), which went fine. I get in my car afterwards and got onto Yonge St and came to a red light south of the Civic Centre. After 20 seconds or so a police car pulls up behind me in the next lane, so at this point there is no car behind me. The light turns green, there are about 4 or 5 cars in front of me, so I cant move right away, the police officer pulls into my lane, angling behind me and signals. The car in front of me moves to go through the green light, and I pulled over to the right. The police officer came up to me and said “your muffler is too loud” and I said “oh are you sure about that?” and he goes “oh so you want to argue that? oh ok ok i see fine, " i’m like"nono it’s not tha…” he cuts me off “oh ok no nonono that’s fine, you want to argue that” he goes in front, looks at my plate, comes back saying the same shit, i give him my license and insurance saying “i’m not trying to argue ag…” “oh nononon it’s fine, you want to do that, ok ok fine” walks off to his car to produce my tickets. As he comes back I start recording audio with my phone, he comes back and gives me 3 tickets saying that I have an improper muffler, excessive noise, and hideaway plate cover. fine, the plate cover is tinted, but clean, and my licence plate is CLEARLY visible, 100%…but whatever, law is the law. he goes on to say that if i want to dispute it, i have to go to the government building n file a dispute. He leaves. I’m left in awe…I went and waited for an hour in line at the Eglinton civic centre to file disputes as the yonge centre only handles parking tickets…

So anyway, I believe this officer was extremely rude and just profiled me. The reason for my audio recording was to prove that my exhaust wasn’t loud. You can’t even hear that my car is on in the audio clip! and I think the microphones are more sensitive to noise than most human ears…well at least mine…and as for “improper” muffler? it’s big, but not loud, and my car has 4 cat converters! 3 are stock(one in the uppipe, downpipe and midpipe) and my HKS catback Hi Power has a custom cat welded in(since I plan to remove the other 3 cats and keep on for emissions)…so yea…

this officer simply profiled me because of the way my car looked, it’s not even lowered lol stock springs/shocks on my wrx…I wasn’t even driving, he claimed that my muffler was shaking his firewall!! if that’s the case, then his car is definitely a road hazard…

again, my car was not even moving, he had not heard me drive since I had just pulled onto the street and he was far behind at a red light before, and if anyone’s heard an HKS hi Power cat back on an otherwise stock impreza/wrx/sti…it’s pretty damn quiet on the highway, and unnoticeable during idle…again, in my audio recording, you can’t even hear the car, it’s as if the car was turned off…

so…after this…I want to file a civilian complaint against this officer for his rude behaviour and conduct. Can i do this at any local PD? or do I have to go look for his specific division? he’s from 31 or 32 division, the ticket is in the car and i don’t want to go down to get it right now…

anyway I am disputing this and have already filed for a trial…hopefully my audio recording will be proof that my car is NOT excessively loud, or loud at all for that matter…and as for “improper”…I guess I can take pics showing I have 4 cat converters…the muffler is not dangling or shaking, it’s on Kartboy Exhaust hangers, stiff as hell…so definitely street legal(just a guess)…if there is something that I’m missing here, please shed the light for me…I’d like to file a complaint, just wondering if I can go to any local PD rather than finding his specific location…

some cops dont deserve to have their job. most cops are real cool, i shift at 5 grand in first at a light right next to cops all the time, they dont give me a second look.

however some cops are like the one you got, who really arent out to serve and protect, just to be complete fucks.

That sucks

But LOL at having 4 cat converters.

Ok time to rally up the troops … ummm ok maybe not…

Good stuff l2iceboy.

It’s about time someone stands up to this crap - no offense but based on what I’ve seen in other countries - have to seriously ask - who makes up these dumb laws. You should hear the mufflers on streets of Tokyo - their pollution laws are more stringent than ours. Check out German autobahns - what is a 100 km/hr limit. 3 weeks ago - few stabbings aside from shootings in TO with 2 cops being busted on grow-up raid. And we make big deal out of superficial traffic violations.

Do we really have nothing for cops to do but to bust people on dumb noise pollution and speeding violations?

lol yea…I plan on getting rid of the other 3 lol just gotta take pics first so I can show I have nothing “improper” except the size of the muffler haha…but yea…does anyone know about the complaint process? can I just do it at the local PD? or would I have to go directly to that officer’s division?

it’s messed up cuz I wasn’t even moving…the guy claims his firewall was shaking lol time to take his car off the road if that’s the case lol…in my audio recording, cannot hear anything from the car…guy really had nothing to do…bored out of his mind wasting tax payers money on this…now more taxpayers money goes to the prosecutor as I go fight this lol
lol as for the 2 cops being busted for the grow op lol one of them goes to the same church as myself…or the one I used to go to LOL I dont know him directly, i’ve talked to him a few times since some of my friends are pretty chill with him and so on…but yea when I saw it on tv I could not stop laughing…dayummm

I think your mistaking cats for resonators.

nope…my car has 3 stock and for my HKS catback, the resonator was cut out and replaced with a cat…02-05 wrx(2.0L EJ205) engines in north america all had 3 cats, one in the uppipe, one in downpipie and one in the midpipe…so those 3 plus the one in my catback makes 4

if the cats can un-bolt easily i say u should un-bolt them to prove there not hollow or punched cats, would help you , take pics.

Ya I got one exhaust ticket as well, 4" tip passed emission got a ticket while not engage in gear and rolling.

i hate cops like that… i encoutered many. had same thing happen to me at young and finch area. i bet you had the same cop as me. the cops said my muffler was illegal and i asked why? he said cause i said so… and also told me he took off many car like mine off the road and this is me driving normal about to eat with my gf.

i think the cop last name was polik or something looks like a jew. top it off he comes shows up to court for all paper tickets and was on my ass on my muffler. he gave me a improper ownership ticket something like that cuz i had a photocopy of my ownership and said its not good enough. also gave me improper headlights cause my one of my daytime running light wasn’t working.

i have three tickets for noise improper muffler and another for noise and my excuse all the time is what about harleys and old muslce cars… for a exmaple an old 69 camaro straight pipes out the back a cop looks at that and says “ya thats a good car” but then see’s a nissan or honda and see’s the big exaust and says" look at that punk im going to give him a ticket"

wow, what a fucking loose turd. i’d flip.

I have yet to even have a cop look at me because of my muffler. and its loud as hell.

guess cops are different in beamsville :stuck_out_tongue:

Call the police office, tell them you would like the Staff Sergents email address to file a complant, or whoever is incharge of complains, and write a properly composed email with proper spelling and grammar and tell them the story and how dissapointed you are.

They will deal with it and email you back, they take it quite seriously and the officer will get talked to.

uhm tinted license plate cover is %100 visable, is the tint clear?

regardless, license plate covers are illegal, even clear ones should the cop[s want to bitch.

sorry about your luck

Wow that sucks…

Same thing happened to my brother, and cop said he had a “hollywood” exhaust and that it was shaking his floor boards…makes you wonder what THEIR cars are made of…

But seriously, if they’re going to hand out tickets for exhaust systems, why can they not teach the basics to officers so they can just check for the presence of a catalytic converter and muffler? Isn’t that what they really want?

Otherwise, Harley’s just can’t be used in Canada…they’re just so much louder than a 4-cyl with an exhaust system can get…

At the very least, they should have a DB level as a limit and test on the spot, then at least we could all test our exhausts on our own time, and drive in peace.

cost too much to give a db tester on every curiser out there…
y would they spend the money on them when they have all the power they want to give us any tickets they want…

it just suck

That cop was a good example of a pig, they make it look bad and set the tone for other cops sometimes…

from what I read, you’ve seemed to been making sure everything is within regulations and this “poser” cop thought he cud use his badge to violate you.

Good luck man, hope everything works out.

Make a complaint about the cop. Everyone should do this everytime they get attitude from a cop for no reason.