i got 2 tickets today because cops wanted to hit there cota this month i was driving around malvern area finch and neilson making a left going westbound of finch stupid cops did a u turn and started following me and pulled me over saying my muffler was to loud i wasn’t even hitting 2k rpm they checked out my whole car and gave me a ticket for uneccesary noise and tires were bald at that time. any suggestions what i should say in court since im taking taking these tickets in court thanks guys and SON…
fight it… you’ll win!! just take pics of good tires on the car (swap with friend for pics), with a depth gauge, and say that your exhaust is not loud, its just a looks thing and it still does its evironemental job and such
do i talk with with my prosecutor about this the whole taking pictures with the tires on it???.. what about the my exhaust will i win if i just tell them " its just a looks thing and it still does its evironemental job and such " ???
^^^ Bud do this, get a receipt for new tires and also get a receipt for an exhust gasket. It will get drop.
The cop gave you a ticket for uneccesary noise, so you can say the exhust gasket between the muffler and the pipes was faulty.
I did it and got my ticket drop!!!
Why would you drive on bald tires?
…in winter
Cause he wants to be cool.
Because mark wants to make useful posts in everyone’s thread and helps everyone with his unecessary comments.
Anyways on to the original post. What everyone said Get receipts lol, ive had someone do the same thing… it works… that or change temporarily to a stock exhaust/some other tires and say “what was he talking about he doesnt know what he’s talking about” in a nutshell
Either has worked for people. Lame draconian money milking laws…
But honestly bald tires are dangerous… especially in winter, whats wrong with you lol
Wow mark as always your helpful posts are bloody marvelous, you’re so much cooler.
But back to the original topic, what everyone already said pretty much covers it… Either change the parts and tell them what the hell the cop was talking about or show receipts, either has worked for people. Lame draconian money milking laws… death to them.
But honestly bald tires are dangerous… especially in winter, whats wrong with you lol? Get some cheap used winter tires for less than 100… It’s understeer and oversteer out of control hell
u drive on bald tires so u can get sparks when it hits the belts duhh… drifttttttttttttttt much
just go fight it…and cop wont show… and if they do…yes do what they sed… get receipts dated after the ticket and u win… the end…
the tires are bald because of highway ramp drifting. boooyaka! dude, you should of got them falken tires for like 80 buck each, its winter, i don’t know why you didn’t change them
as for the exhaust. your car had plenty of exhaust tickets back when i had it, all i did was go to canadian tire, buy a shit ass exhaust for any car, show the reciept to the procecutor at the court building thing on milner and markham and it was dropped right away. same with the tires. all you have to do is get a receipt and show them you changed it or just purchased it. i do suggest you change your tires btw. so…when you’re done getting them dropped…go back to cdn tire and return the exhaust. easy as that. you can also get fake tire receipts made as well, thats if you want to keep those shit ass tires on still. up to you. call me if u want more help. but…that pretty much sums up how to drop all that crap.
edit : its easier if you have the ticket district number 4863(i believe) at the top of the ticket. means you’re allowed to go for a Walk In First Attendance, where you get to talk to the procecutor right away on the 2nd floor. just show your ticket and the receipt for the purchased exahust and tire, and its done on the same day. god bless scarborough.
thats what happens when you dont buy martino’s teggy
Why would a cop want to hit a cota?
I would imagine hitting said cota would do a bit of damage to their cruiser and they’d have to pay for it out of pocket. I cannot imagine why someone would want to do such a destructive thing!
smart ass LOL
thats why i have bald tires… don’t have any money im taking donations though smart asses…LOL its flying chickens fault he sold me a car with bald tires =P
oh yea one more thing bunnn ur your integra i think ill stay with the 240s for awhile…
You got booked cause Malvern area is heat…its the murder capital of Toronto and crawling with cops.
yea i know that min malvern is pure heat down here…
i have bald tires on my truck too