Coreys s2000 build

Builds are great investments

You guys are brutal…

Had the money for the paint from the start, nice try, and no Jake, not yet he found a couple issues with the front end he didn’t like so he touched on them, saw the car yesterday tho and it’s in full primer being final prepped for paint, I’ll have pictures of it all painted on Sunday

deleted by Vovchandr.

I actually have tuition to pay next month… And no credit cards, made that mistake wrote, try again

ready for paint.

13K views, thanks ladies…

Koary pls.

lock 1

got to glassin…

omg… u should put a microwave between the seats and a cooler in the glovebox.

would love to know the cost of the random bullshit in the build


powdercoated subframe 1500 dollars… knowing that its going to get chipped the first time I get on the gas… priceless

some of this stuff is cheesier than cheetos

You gonna paint the dash teal?

Entirely too much!

This build was interesting in the beginning. The iPad, fog machine, washing machine, turquoise powder coat is all completely unnecessary.



I remember someone said something not even remotely offensive back when he first joined and he wanted to leave then.

Sorry dude :rofl