Maybe it was stalling coming to a stop and he over revved it :lol:
Curious but didn’t you do something like this up in Niagara County??
In for updates
Just park that shit on someone’s porch
Car in lawn <> Corvette through building
He was 19, I don’t really see your point.
This was probably a friend of his so his is trying to deflect things on to someone else by slinging shit. It is standard protocol.
36 divorced with kids still rolling back odometers in someone else shop for a living…
yet still manages to find the time to talk shit on here running his shady companies name deeper in the mud.
A corvette is not an fbody lol
I am sorry. I find it ironic that you talk this shit but you hang out in a shop with a similar background
lol wat?
I don’t hang around with people who roll back odometers, constantly fuck over their clients, or attempt to run a failing “speed shop” for a living.
Don’t compare any of my friends to someone who couldn’t hold a job at car quest and pretends to run a speed shop.
Most people eventually grow up and get their shit together however not in this example.
You’re right. Clearly that’s what he does all day. I still don’t get how being a single father has anything to do with it.
Highlighting a long history of failure is pretty relevant.
You would figure he would reach a maturity level high enough not to shit talk every chance possible on local community forum when he has a local shop…
it’s hard enough to run a business and having people actively hating on you can’t make anything easier (not that I have experience with the latter cause that’s a preventative maintenance kind of thing), but I wonder who really looks worse, the kid that got a dwi or the business owner that posts about it on a car forum? …like that’s really gonna help your reputation problem around here.
I was arrested too if you wanna post about it…maybe it’ll help you avoid the glaring identity problem you have cause other people seem to get a lot of referrals from this site, why not be one of them and do sweet builds instead of making these little bickering wars going on every time I log on here even worse.
Bring it on!
LOL at the winter GIF… WIN!!!