Cougarspeed: I AM F'ING AWESOME!



I did fail out. I suck. Hard.

So what is the plan for tonight? Sadly I dont think I can bring any women. They all hate me…even the one I was talking to in Seattle told me off yesterday. HAHAHAH WTF!


Never fear…I haz a plan…

:whogives: Er, sorry. Wrong one.:wstupid:

Yea beer by 6 bed by 10. My dad has the same one…Want his number?


:bloated: :tif: :shoot::cjerk::loopie::rubicant:

Ummm Que? go carts? Do they serve beer?

I assume AJs is short for Average Hoes…


Justin, I’ll go if you DON’T call Babyballs.

EDIT _ If you want to hang out with her, I will make her pick me up after the wake.

OMG hahahahahah I fail. My friend James isnt allowed in there so im not sure.

babyballs > you

Is this a recent thing?

Happened last time he came home.

Ugh, dammit… Deuce? O?

Meh I doubt they remember…I can invite Ballz im sure he can get it taken care of…

Speaking of let me know if you hear from him. His phone is not working again.

The bouncer guy wouldnt let him in the other night.