Countdown to the milestone of 500,000 posts.

We’re well on our way to a grand milestone of half a million posts :wow

As I’m posting this the count is

Posts: 471,966

With an average of about 1,000 posts a day, we should reach the goal before 2010!

For those wondering, 500,000 posts in the forum community is a status of a successful board that’s even worth talking about. A few webmaster communities will only allow a listing of a board with that amount of posts AND we will be able to submit us on a listing of !

If you are aware of large forums (more than 500000 posts) that are not present in our database, please use the free message boards URL submission form.

To put this into perspective, right now we have more data on the site than, Apgforums, NADS, Rspeed, 518carscene, Ride-NY, UNYSOC, cnysubarus and a few others COMBINED. With most of those sites being established before we ever came about. :ohnoes

With that said, let the countdown begin!

Lets get it on!


damn man, the forum did get big and quick. Happy to be a part of it.

The forum did indeed grow quickly, especially for only being up for 2 years. As Paul said, happy to be a part of it…and a big contributor to that 500k :shifty


Yea, If it wasn’t for Joey, Kramer, and two or so others, we’d still be under 400k lol.

^ :rofl :rofl :rofl

vlad, cossey, singh, etc>>>*

fukken a, man

Good shit!!

hells yeah ni99a

well vlad, between me, and the 7 people above me, we added like 100-105k posts alone

Sweet deal.


I think I can help achieve that goal

the more arguments we have the closer we get :rofl

yeah, thats one way to get there

half a million could be had by the end of the week, you just need another racehatchfail thread that gets 1000’s of posts every hour:lol

I expected better from you guys especially making a countdown thread :lol

This is a start :ponder


cool:thumbup shift>*

Yep that would be a start:lol

What a fucking moron

i want to have 1000 by the time we hit 500k :lol

only need 115 more…lol