We’re well on our way to a grand milestone of half a million posts :wow
As I’m posting this the count is
Posts: 471,966
With an average of about 1,000 posts a day, we should reach the goal before 2010!
For those wondering, 500,000 posts in the forum community is a status of a successful board that’s even worth talking about. A few webmaster communities will only allow a listing of a board with that amount of posts AND we will be able to submit us on a listing of http://www.big-boards.com/ !
To put this into perspective, right now we have more data on the site than, Apgforums, NADS, Rspeed, 518carscene, Ride-NY, UNYSOC, cnysubarus and a few others COMBINED. With most of those sites being established before we ever came about. :ohnoes
The forum did indeed grow quickly, especially for only being up for 2 years. As Paul said, happy to be a part of it…and a big contributor to that 500k :shifty