craigslist hilarity (cross posted from dubsinthebutt)

I demand a repeat! this time something more elaborate and with audio and video. But as a test run I will be happy with video alone.

Or possibly this time a young girl looking for a sugar daddy. Get the real predators out lol.


i love this so much

fuckin awesome.

How to get beat up 101: “Red hats! Get your red hats here! Red hats!”

This needs to be done again.

Dan Kraft and Myself are hilarious as was that “wrecked dan’s bike thread” :slight_smile:

A year? If a simple thread on a local forum constitutes really making a serious move to sell my car then I guess the time since whenever in the spring equals a year.

I am sorry that I don’t total my cars because of a curb and I have to sell them not have the insurance company take them

^^^ take that shit to pm’s douche canoe.

That was hilarious, how long did it take you to mastermind all this meeting and whatnot? Wait a month then do it again but @ a different place of course.

Agreed. in the mean time. ill cook up something and submit it for everyones approval.

This is funny as fawk lmao!!!

I thought it was funny until I read your post.
Thanks for ruining it for me.
Seriously though, this should have been painfully obvious with what he wrote.
“Sugar momma”? “boy toy”? the pictures?
Now I don’t know whether to laugh or feel bad for guys that clueless.

The pictures, despite the faces being blurred, were UNREALISTIC for a 41 year old. REAL UNREALISTIC. if my wife looks like that when i’m 41…consider me the luckiest guy alive. not to mention its not like i had excess conversations with these people. there was the ad, their responses, and my copy/paste. move on to the next. if thats believable to ANYONE, fuck man…you’re an idiot. its not like I went and conversated with them for hours. this was an hour op at most not counting the actual watching of the idiots.

you would have enjoyed every last minute of it, trust me

yeah, mike you would have lost it. we need to do another, large-scale one. i’ll get a few friends to help answer the emails. it’ll be hilarious.

Don hit me up for the next, ill get Hadley in on it. He’ll go nuts lol

hehe douche canoe

haha yes, you still talk to him? hows he doing?


This is a really intelligent post! :bigclap:

I was there. It was pretty amazing… in an uncomfortable way.

Maturity from a group of older guys :tup:
